Tuesday, December 8, 2020

When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace T-Shirt

This is the powerand threatens our existence is so powerful that is like what fools but little do they know what’s what what great terrorand whatever it sucks so you know I am really annoyed by this thin nose espousing it are still tired to talk to you memorieyeah is already disorganized but is not really it is actual dialogue under so really could the person insane shit always was an event doesn’t get caught up convinced I can do this I missed everything so Susan for call the gods do meanwhile is watching the camera the spy cameraand Akin Tottenand he finds that the the great living Pharaoh has collected all the time travelers are all trapped in like in a When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace T-Shirt finca bubble bubble thingand he’s a cool even on the five extra time machine this means I’d better with my schemes because if I don’t I might end up in a public like your your your fuck upand all the man since so it’s just that it’s a version of him that doesn’t act as quick but doesn’t see the bubble I don’t know that can’t work it’s okay so you who was also takes off the table in time travelers right area bubble youand maybe because of the travelers it’s only one version of the commercial truck bubble which is retractable cruelly vacated the attributable rightand wrong either not yet so they went to calls all the time to do was bubble you want to do with their rights and be honest so that he is using spy camera in enhance enhancedand hasand he sees the others spy camera is a also is looking aroundand fails goes produce the Santos like are a team we got to go fight this guy to do more than I know okay but fails as do plan is all in our rightand fails is likely to deal with this guy we need to know about where he comes from how he gets this power when we guess we are thanks Mark you can do this right do you find sources of power to try to figure out Solano God speed up right there still meeting up including Laura Morris of ancient Egypt who was late to the party yeah okayand they’re all like they’re all they’re all upset with him kinda want to warn us about this guy he says I had a delay read nothing into yeah oh yeah sure so they all use their God power to tryand I don’t know pool their powers to stop him that we kept a planetand God so I do is like okay so so do discover that I can kill Reed Richards without his say so is a muscular dammit on now is personal so while he the earth yeah so the houseand always like he sees looking aroundand he he finds a hieroglyph that explains the story of acting wireless is not like very specific right as you know you but I went to pod many became misguided like wait a minute like that could be with you the Egyptians thought but the reality is with aliensand stuff like you know that Riley went into a pot selects her coffee yeah yeah but there is no portaland there is no aliens except for the ones that made activating a dwelling into a super God which of which there are not in Stargate truly argument that it’s a boring story that used ancient Egypt as its backdrop that the only connection so doom is like okay so do translate the hieroglyphsand his plan is he’s gonna go back in time to before I can get the power kill himand then be abducted by the aliensand then take the power all the way to meanwhile in his city by himself he’s torturing ornament head who is the person who killed his son to in common is getting revenge on things very petty person okay or God so he plucked warn them from the afterlifeand put him into a two to torture himand then he on makes him so that he can’t go back to the afterlife he just doesn’t exist anymore okay to state so what is it grab his son from the afterlife like let’s hang out he doesn’t because he will be ghoulish right deadbeat dad bed you write only so accurateand then after he on makes one of he then monologues his entire origin story about like who he was what he did when the aliens came what time of day it was where he went when the aliens arrivedand then was takenand do like good thing he talks to himself now you know why even know the time of day he was perfect for my plan Russelland theand andand locations now you can find a womanand I didn’t like animals will definitely appears also was a bad but then you take it back made a long time to adjust the spaceship amending at the aliens about the gods but he was an idiotand you know then EEG I know what held in easy was held in stasis sorry was trapped in whatever base of the infused him with this newfound power why because because he has an earthly bodyand Susan repair now it’s because they they gave him the power because they they saw his divine right to rule like there like all the universities rulers you are the best example of being your ruler according to our like messed up judgmentand so we gave you a portion of this God power you would be able to effectively rule the universe I love there like oil is tolerable with your ruler list guysand we have more power to rule everyone what you write over the rulers were not like were different natural born right we just have this power that was never mentioned before or after work that it took only 10 000 years to do the 2000 years just to acclimate himself to his surrounding an adand then took another like 8000 years to put it all together yes okay because like he just had a human mindand the human mind can possibly rationalize or understand everything he was going through in the power that he possessed all that crap so like it took him 10 000 years to acclimate to being a God after which he became a douche bag God that’s probably because you know Santos became a God in an instant he knew everything will fail the safeguards in place on his personand in his mind that he developed because he’s a mad type to protect himself from those that no such trappings right use are inherently biological more capable wielding the power than some guy yetand is just a guy so anyway he’s like that anyway that’s my storyand sticking to itand horror listing in so he shows up at the Congressman godsand what Horace said he’s going to kill all of them yeah lenses goes I went available storage jump report on everyone else. Modern history but instead of doing the hard work of meeting face to face with congressional leaders Democrats and Republicans in the White House like a better presence done in a crisis to get Americans the relief they need and desire now Trump is on the golf course if I told you this three years ago you look at me like. The Gov’s been governors really have been doing a really good job working with the Senate sent it’s really pretty impressive to say I’ve spoken to numerous leaders of countries over the last 48 hours and they are saying will leading the way early leading the way in so many different ways on also very pleased that Harvard is you now as Harvard and Stanford and Princeton and numerous other universities and colleges also large businesses have sent funds back to us and in some cases I stop funds it I looked at and we are pleased to report that the funds are either not gone out or about 350 million needed and not gone out for we renegotiated it and I getting on so in its couple cases this sending them back and sending them back immediately so I think it was very nice so I think Harvard in particular they acted very quickly and decisively and they agreed when they heard the facts that they should not be getting it so we appreciated very much from Harvard Princeton damper and other institutions the bill also includes

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More importantly for our discussion today on july 8 of this year john hudak wrote an article what happens if president trump contracts coded 19 most pressing and you are looking for situations john now become very real what is your reaction to this overall is one of your previous guests from the camera in the streets that is not entirely a When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace T-Shirt surprise the president is a huge wearing masks he his not really embrace social distancing and of course the president is surrounded by a lot of people by the nature of his work and he’s traveling a lot is particularly surprising that during the pandemic given that he’s thrown caution to the wind that ultimately his staff person and now he and his wife have contracted lines from your article and I want to delve into some of the things you point out so clearly for us and notably will understand how the symptom or a system works that one of the things you begin with is a positive coded 19 test itself is not cause for emergency action not cause emergency action can you explain. As it is to take care the president but to be part of such a talented and molted Israeli team here at I want to read the president yesterday evening completed a second dose of render a severe eye he’s tolerated that infusion well with the monitoring for any potential side effects and he has had none that we can tell his liver and kidney function of remained normal and we continue to plan to use a five day course around a severe in response to transient low oxygen levels as Dr as discussed we did initiate dexamethasone therapy and he received his first us of that yesterday and our plan is to continue that for the time being and today he feels well he’s been up around our plan for today is to happen to eat and drink be up out of that as much is possible to be mobile as he continues to look and NCL as well as he does today our hope is that we can plan for a discharge as early as tomorrow to the White House where he can continue his treatment course thank you very much alternative Dr Conley for any questions please. I keep a parent whenever the word is not the time you are able to your serving in the churchand foundand economy to the daily Richardson for me to that we chose New Zealand and then often turn to turn a blind key thing ever going to church benefit me we wanted to marry something we like to familyand so when I wanted to stay home near Missouri where the right to know the world training breaker can serve in probably see me Monday morning to ensure we can continue to be more impressionable wheneverand is shape she really kicking today client rain for spellingand writing you because they weren’t really she willand she willand the same for meand my grandma
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