Thursday, January 7, 2021

What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Vintage T-Shirt

It’s like Montanaon steroids especially go out to Banffspeaking speaking of Banff so in 2014 wedid 100 city tour eight countrieshundred and nineteen events we’ve talkedabout that ad nauseam that was crazy alot of learnings from that but the nextyear 2015 the word tasting tour we did35 cities but that one was totallydifferent experience from what we’vedone in the past so you and I run apublishing company with our friend Colinright called asymmetrical press and wewe drag some of our authors on the roadShaun mihalick and Josh Wagner and meand you and Colin was that it was thatsix weeks eight weeks how long was ityeah there’s a What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Vintage T-Shirt couple months yeah acouple months and we did 35 cities butyou and I we divided and conquered thatone because we were kind of done withtouring for a while and so you’d go outand do a handful of cities and we did abunch of like random cities like be dowe do Butte I think we did Butte yepdefinitely tube you did oh wait no no nowe didn’t do beYOU we did Billings yeahwe did Billings we didKalispell yeah. Want to wear over the course ofthree months it seems a bit restrictiveat first and that includes everythingshirts pants shoes I guess it probablydoesn’t include underwear but realminimalists don’t wear underwear I’mjust kidding Ryan and I share a pair ofunderwear gross but but what you can dois you set up these these sort ofboundaries for you and they allow you torealize like wait a minutethese 33 pieces of clothes end up beingmy favorite clothes you’re going to pickyour favorite things if you’re limitedto 33 items and what I see may seem abit draconian at first you can expand itbeyond them if you want you get tocreate your own rules right and so andyou also mentioned that you have afamily of kids oh nice okay so I thinkthe important thing to notice with withyour kids is they’re watching you aswell and and so whatever habits you havethey’re gonna pick up and the goodthat’s actually good news because if youhave good habits especially aroundshopping they often pick up those habitsas well now they’re gonna pick up. And stuffeverywhere and you know me and in my OCDway

Source: What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Vintage T-Shirt

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We usedto manage some retail stores and the What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Vintage T-Shirt onein Westchester. So I am learning a tonthese days about managing children andthat’s really what what today’s episodeis going to be about and we’re going tostart with what some voicemails yeahthat sounds goodyeah let’s do that we have a couplevoicemails this first one is from dawnhi guys my name is dawn and I am fromColumbus Ohio my question which I’m suretons of parents have all over the worldis how do you battle the clutter thatcomes with kids I have two small kidsfair five and one I have a wonderfulfamily who I love dearly but when itcomes to holidays or even on holidaysthe gift giving is out of control ourbook shelves are stocked full our toyboxes are overflowing our basement isfull our house looks like a Toys R Usfrom waterwall and I have guilt aboutgiving up things that don’t belong to meor things that have just recently beengiven to them as a gift I feel kind ofmean I guess you would say if I try todictate the things that people give orif I return things so I guess I’m justtrying to figure out how you feel thisthird party. To thinkahead or trying to prepare for thefuture and it it was a it was a questionthat came up continuously while my kidswere growing up about how to slow downhow to live how to have a light and youknow after watching your movie thethird time I finally saw the answer Ireally believe the answer was that weall just had too much stuff our kids hadtoo much stuff and and by stuff I justmean belongings things we had tomaintain things we had to do and I thinkthat if it if we could have known thenwhat I know now I think of our liveswould have been so much different and wewould have been able to see the forestfor the trees we would have been able tosee how we could have slowed down andhad coffee with each other you know inthe morning and not feel like you knowwe had to clean our house or weyou know had to run out and do thiserrand or get this or get that but wealready have a job we already had 20 somy name is Hannah and I live inAltamonte Springs Florida hey guys Ijust wanted to share kind of a neatstory I have a friend
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