Saturday, November 14, 2020

American Flag We Are Not Descended From Fearful Men T-Shirt Lady Shirt

Dotnetforward slash thirty ninth it was inregards to his 39th birthday but there’sa great paragraph in here that says thetruth is we could run around trying todo everything exciting and travel aroundthe world and always stay in touch withour iPhone and crack berries and workand party all day long without sleep butwe could never do it all we will alwaysbe missing something and right now asJosh and I are recording this podcastwe’re missing out a American Flag We Are Not Descended From Fearful Men T-Shirt Lady Shirt 99 9 of the otherthings going on in the world but we’vevery deliberately chosen to do thispodcast and to add as much value as wecan and yes we’re ignoring everythingelse right now and missing out oneverything else because the truth is iswhere you will always be missing out andso ultimately pick what is going to addthe most value to your life andsometimes the way to figure that out isby temporarily depriving yourself I’llend with this in terms of my temporarydeprivation I wrote an essay last yearcalled most emergencies aren’t and I’mgoing to read a few problems I hadand a few. All along thetour we were looking for the next placeto go to write this book our second bookthe memoir everything that remains andand as we left Vancouver we fell asleepin in Idaho Coeur d’Alene Idaho and wewoke up there and was just gorgeous andthen we drove into Montana and it waslike cliche beautiful I I’d have to uselike stock phrases from like eats poemsor something in order to describeMontana accurately but we were drivingdown the highway and I first saw my lifehave ever done a triple take that it’salong I 90 and it’s like the mostperfect day it’s 80 degrees and sunny Ilook over and there are four collegekids skinny dipping from a waterfall onthe side of the highway and I younotthere was a bold eagle that flewoverhead now I’m from Dayton Ohio I’venever seen a bald eagle in my life theonly thing they could have been likemore Americana was if it had a flag inits talons anyway thank you for walkingus here please did you answer questionnot I hope I asked your question I’mkidding I’m kidding I know um well Iguess. To Anchorage I hopeto get there that’s nice though oh we’regoing to Burlington Vermontthat’s on April 14th in April 15th we’regoing to Boston that one’s already goingto sell out so if you are in anywherenear Boston if you’re in Rhode Island orwherever else make sure you get yourtickets is a huge theater the Wilburtheater there in Boston but that one’sgonna sell out with that one went onsale a little bit earlier that was thefirst one we announced and then afterthat we’re headed to Portland PortlandMaine one of my favorite cities lovethat town you know I’m gonna need somany lobster rolls between Boston inPortland you think they have a lobsterin Burlington probably not yeah I’m surethey do everywhere now but yeah it’sclose enough to Crete me all of yourbest lobster roll place recommendationsthe best place I’ve eaten at so far inShawn podcast wasn’t McDonald’s andHalifax can attest to thisyou shut your mouth when you’re talkingto me we we went to a place calledLuke’s Lobster it’s like a small chainin New York yeah and

Source: American Flag We Are Not Descended From Fearful Men T-Shirt Lady Shirt

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Mall no no we’reand it was like it was unbelievable itwas just melting in my nose on SantaMonica Boulevard but that’s like such along it’s the whole city so yeah come onout and see us those will all sell outfor sure relatively decent sized venuesbut we have great audiences there andthen the last wave of this first legwe’re gonna be back in the Midwest backon our old stomping grounds these arefour cities that I would go to concertsin and all the time so Ryan and I livingin Dayton Ohio we were two hours fromall of these four cities Indianapolis oractually Columbus as well before theyI’m sorry Cleveland was before us butIndianapolis Cincinnati ColumbusCleveland you know it’s plenty drivingfrom Cincinnati Cleveland uh huh likethat three or three and a American Flag We Are Not Descended From Fearful Men T-Shirt Lady Shirt half hourdrive I hate I just like hate dreadeduh huh that Drive yes but it’s fun it’sit’s funny cos here in Missoula like toget the glacier it’s three hours you getanywhere from MissoulaI love driving and because it’s sobeautiful yeah we’re like in Ohio it’slike strip malls. We have another question yeah soasking about veganism well let’s justexpand out a little bit on that let’sjust talk about diet in general my dietis over 90 plant based and I thinkthat’s important because many of theselifestyles we tend to think of as binaryso you take minimalism as a lifestyleit’s not about owning nothing it’s aboutowning what’s appropriate for my lifeand I think you can extrapolate that andtranspose it on to this idea of diet aswell whether that’s veganism orvegetarianism or whatever you won’t wantto call it most of my my diet isplant based although this year I juststarted incorporating red meat back intomy life because I’ve had a significantnumber of health issues you can go backand listen to episode number threeof our podcast it’s a episode call it away and you can check that out at theminimalists comm slash podcast let’stalk about some of my health issues oneof the things I found out is I am anemicand so I don’t have a taste for red meatat all but I did start incorporatingmeat as medicine. In school andyou’re trying to to earn a degree thenthen maybe that’s not the best use ofyour time and attention and maybe thebest thing for you to do is reduce yourfootprint in other areas and so byconsuming less overall you are going tojust by definition radically reduce theamount of waste that you produce so keepthat in mind and realize that that theamount of hassle that goes along withthe cloth diapers it may or may not beworth it for you if it is worth it youmean you have to be honest with yourselfyou have to ask those questions and ifit’s if it’s not worth it though thenyou want to look at reducing waste in inother areas so that you can prioritizeyour life because right now I Iunderstand that your life is probablyvery busy you you’re in a situation inyour life that there’s a lot going onbut as their exes says busy is a signthat your life is out of control and sothe busier that we get it just literallyand I don’t mean that as I don’t meanthat pejoratively but if we’re so busyit means we’re probably in less
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