Saturday, November 14, 2020

It'S A Beautiful Day To Teach Tiny Humans T Shirt

Going to translateas much but yeah I think I think it’s agreat idea especially because you knowpeople move and they end up in differentplaces and yeah like you said they oftendon’t have family around and so it’s agreat way to connect with other peopleon that holiday and be grateful for sureyeah so we were we had friends givingover the weekend and it was there’s alot of drinking going on and it’s like II will you know I would love to sit hereand say like oh I neveryou drunk but you know what dude it’slike we’re hanging out we’re havingdrinks and then the next thing you knowit’s like oh man I’m a It'S A Beautiful Day To Teach Tiny Humans T Shirt little tipsyright now you know what I don’t have anyresponsibilities to do tomorrow I’m justgonna go and have another drink so forme like that’s that that is how alcoholworks for me it’s like this it I don’t Idon’t use it to run or it’s a hide it’smore of like when I get that relaxedfeeling that I’m like oh man if I had abeer right now I’d even be more relaxedmm hmm and so that’s what I have to lookout for personally. Look well alsomusic like even the drives people crazyyeah in. From MelbourneAustralia I just wanted to leave amessage for Jeff from Pittsburgh who wastalking about coping with grief and lossand handling the possessions of lovedones who’s cast over and how that partof the grieving and recovery process Ijust wanted to call in because I lost mybeloved grandmother Nora two years agoand we were so so close and when we wereorganizing her home following herpassing there was a lot of stuff inthere that you know she had herselfhadn’t really used for many years to behonest and I was wanting to you knowcarry on celebrating her life that justdidn’t feel willing to take on all ofthe stuff but the few items that I didtake with me and bring into my home orour home that I share with my husbandwere a couple of really practical itemsso I kept Mama’s Mixmaster Mama’s soupladle and Mama’s G tea cozies are therethree things I can just think of off thetop of my head actually very few otheritems I did keep but those three thingsare really practical things which meanthat when I’m using those things

Source: It'S A Beautiful Day To Teach Tiny Humans T Shirt

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A thank youand and then I I donated it god I hopeshe’s not listening right now no shewould totally she would totallyappreciate that um because you’ve done agood job with with setting expectationexactly on Instagram at the minimalistsMandy asks when you’re trying to reducethe stuff that you have do you find itbetter to just donate it or sell it kindof a It'S A Beautiful Day To Teach Tiny Humans T Shirt time versus money question yeah Iwould agree this is definitely a timeversus money question I find it yes Ifind it best to donate it or sell yesyou know really I think it’s up to youwhen I was I had a lot of debt back inmy corporate days even though I madegreat money I had six figures worth ofdebt so eBay and Craigslist becamereally great friends of mine because Iused both of those tools those resourcesto sell especially large items I wantedto get rid of and that would allow me toget money that I otherwise couldn’t thatI could use to pay down many of mycredit cards and just different debtsthat I had but if you don’t have a tonof debt and you’re looking to get rid ofthe. To go do that againwe did it last year but. Was 21 22 when Icould buy alcohol like that iswhat I did a lot right and I have likesignificantly decreased
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