Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt

Those to email in fact wedon’t really do the whole email QA thingvery often just because it’s we can getbogged down with that kind of stuff butso that’s what we get enough emailsalready yeah and I don’t find email verymeaningful and and so I try to limitthat but we love getting veryintentional postcards so you can go tothe minimalists dot com slash contactand find all of our mailing informationthere Evan from Bartlett Illinois writesI’m a I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt senior in high school and I have adilemma I love what you say about nothaving a job or a career oh wait aminuteand how people should do what they’repassionate about wait a second okay wecan clarify those in a minute Evanthat’s maybe a overly simplistic view ofhow we look at the world we don’t thinkthere’s anything inherently wrong withhaving a job I’ll tell you I think acareer can actually be pretty dangerousand here’s why I say that is often ourcareers aresix out of ten we get comfortable withour career but many of us don’t find ourcareer meaningful we and so we don’texperience. To your continentmaybe even to Antarcticaso yeah sign up for our email newsletterlist over at the minimalists calm andyou’ll be the first to hear about thenew events now the reason you couldn’tget me to go to every country Ryan thisis a good segue here is there are threethings that I hate I hate travelI hate large crowds of people and I hatepublic speaking nowI don’t actually hate those things thosethings make me uncomfortable especiallytraveling makes me uncomfortable in facttraveling by itself I find no appeal inat all we have one of our best friendsis a guy named Colin right worldtraveler travels to a new country overfour monthshe loves traveling everything he doescenters around travelling great for himnot great for me and I think you’resomewhere in between you enjoy travelyou’re gonna go on vacation to Germanythis year you’re going to Tokyo thisyear those are things that don’t appealto me as much but if we are travelingwith a purpose like these tour stops addvalue to a lot of people’s lives thenI’m all for. Thatsound and and and you know just doingeverything a three

Source: I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt

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I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt
I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt

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They had these two bunkbeds yeah in the room and it was likecrammed into there he bought in theseloft beds with desks underneath and forChristmas and there were these beautifulthings they really wanted and they’regetting of age now they’re starting touse desk and in order to do that inorder to accommodate that they can playhit the rearrange of the room and itmade the perfect time to do an impromptuinventory of essentially everything theyown and and the question that we have toask ourselves and I got this from ourfriend Patrick Rowan we just finishedinterviewing him for the the theatercrow cut of our documentary minimalismand he has a I Have The Best Wife She Loves Horses And Yoga But She's A Bit Crazy T Shirt daughter and a wife and thequestion he always asks is is this wherethis belongsdoes this belong here and it wasinteresting because I found that mydoctor was doing the same thing with histwo daughters going through each item inthe room and asking them where does thisbelow that’s awesome that makes me thinkof an attendee at our tour during art100 City tour in 2014 god it’s like solong ago. Ekendsure yeah I mean or someone like mewhere it’s easy for me to just say no Idon’t drink and and that’s that’s theend of the story and even if you are iteven if you drink sometimes you you cansay no I don’t drink and because you’renot drinking right now and that’s not alie if you’re if you’re not actuallydrinking right now so if it is posingsome sort of problem or if it’s just itsounds like Theresa it’s raising a redflag for you and this is where I said noit’s not about minimalism for me butsome what is what Ryan on the lastepisode talked about what is minimalismreally it’s the intentional use of yourresources right you’re using yourresources more intentionally and so oneof those resources might be your healthor your time or your attention and andif you are being very deliberate withwith those things might mean that youdon’t want to drink right now because itis occupying a space in your brain thatyou don’t feel you don’t feel that itshould be occupying and it has raisedthe red flag for you and if that’s the. His wife Eva have six kids and theirwhole minimalist family and then we havepeople in the suburbs we have people inthe city we have people in tiny houseswe have people who are living the livesthat are appropriate to their life wealso backed it up with with much of thethe science and social science behindthe the benefits of minimalism and sothis documentary was another vehicle tocommunicate that right and and so willwe use this vehicle in the future willwe create other documentaries yeahprobablywhat would that will look like will be afeature length film will it be a TV showwill it be video essays will it be liveQ A sessions more of these online in thefuture yes probably to all of those thekey is am I excited about working onthis project andand am I willing to put in the drudgeryto make it happen and is that going tobe a video thing is it going to beanother book is it going to be it isgoing to be a different type of vehiclea different type of creation and myanswer is I don’t know yet exactly whatit looks like we
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