Monday, April 26, 2021

Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt

Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt

32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Then my mother gave me her list of people she wanted to be invited: people I had never met and some I’d never heard of. Apparently she felt that someone she went to high school with a million years ago should be invited to my wedding because she wanted to show off “what a catch” I was marrying. I tried to explain to her that we wanted a small wedding, but she just poo-pooed me and told me not to ruin her big day. She seriously said that. I just smiled and nodded as my stomach knots tied a bit tighter. She obviously misunderstood the 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Additionally,I will love this empathetic and inspiring words I had tried to convey to her. She continued to curse me some more. Called me a piece of s**t. Sometimes she would call me names as if she was talking to the air or too herself under her breath. She called me a few choice words again and finally told me to never call her back again and hung up. But the room next door was the prep room, where the deceased were made ready for viewing and visitation. It was here that the embalming took place (perfusing the blood with preservatives, changing their clothes to what they’d be buried in, that sort of thing. The problem was though that there was a snag of some sort in the casket. It strikes me as very unusual for there to have been a splinter in the polished wood so perhaps it was a metal fastener on the handles that had an edge. The next day when he came in, he was pulled into the office with the head chef and general manager and was promptly fired for theft, and naturally, the sous chef denied giving him permission. Coupled with witness statements that placed him walking out with three cheesecakes, he had absolutely no recourse. The last straw was when my boyfriend’s out of town family, a considerably large group, called to ask if they could crash at our place when they came to town for the wedding so they wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel. When he sputtered “But we plan to be at our place the night of the wedding, and it’s our wedding night!” they suggested that WE get a hotel room so we can be more accommodating to our guests. This message was completely unexpected and practically knocked me off my feet. It was really spooky and absolutely chilling. It was almost as if something supernatural had been coiled up inside her and the crazy creature reared it’s head and screamed from her mouth. The prep/embalming room was kept cooler than the rest of the building because, well, it helped to preserve the bodies longer and keep the smells down, although there was a unique smell to both the bodies and the preservatives that’s hard to describe once you’ve smelled it you’ll never forget it. Buy this shirt:  32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt The glass lay scattered on the Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt and I will buy this ground around my poor car. She wasn’t the fanciest or the fastest. She had a 4 cylinder engine that would have been more at home in a sub-compact than in an SUV, but she was spacious, comfy, and reliable. I’d driven her from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Lake Michigan to the gulf. She’d never let me down. So Mr. Macho comes over and starts jawing at my friend. He ignores him, but the guy keeps getting more insistent. Finally, my buddy looks at the bartender and says “Bring me another (beer) but DON’T open it.” The bartender looked at him funny but puts the beer can on the bar. Fast forward to getting married young and my husband wanting to be young parents and done by 30. I had my oldest child in 2012, I was 20 when she was born. She turns 8 years old this month. Then I had a miscarriage in 2014. Husband and I initially only wanted 2–2 1/2 years between kids. But I miscarried and wasn’t ready for a while. I had to deal with a lot of devastation for this little life that I had so deeply wanted. I still know in my heart that the baby would have been a boy. In 2015, over a year after my miscarriage, I was ready. 10 months later, my son was born. Almost 3 years and 9 months, after my oldest was born, at the age of 24, I was graced with my sweetest rainbow boy. Looking back, it was like I was in a fog of pain and confusion for about a year and a half. It all culminated in a hitting rock bottom one night and wanting to kill me. I think it was just a deep desire to have that phase of my life die, and a new one begins. It did, and things are good! Buy this shirt:  Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt Even if there is a consort crowning during the 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories shirt in contrast I will get this coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Buy this shirt:  52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt My dad was arrested, but about three hours later he showed up at the All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt But I will love this hospital in a cab. He called my uncle, who worked late, and had him pick us up and take us home. Apparently, Toronto cops know better than to hold the sole guardian of two minor children in jail. Previously I had been paid out of a separate bank account, but once I started full time I got paid from the same payroll account as everyone else. On my first payday, everyone received a check and immediately ran out of the office. I was surprised by this behavior, waited a day or two, then went to deposit my paycheck at the bank. Mom would beat me or humiliate me, or point out my large breasts as a kid and other things. She would throw me outside in the winter and not let me in while my sister was in the house. Just before dad got home she would make me come and wash up from whatever she did to me. I was crying one day when he got home. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. Mom told him he had a choice between me and her. He told her to get out…but took me for a ride to tell me I had to move out that day he can’t have me there anymore”. I was 18, had no job or a place to go. But he was telling me to leave. I ended up moving in with my aunt. Dad never chose me. Ever. Moms who let go when the time comes to a long way in building trust with the daughter-in-law. It’s about boundaries and respecting them. Proper boundaries are the starting point of all good relationships, I have found. So, when Brooks ran away, let him go. We can reasonably assume that the next two coronations will be reasonably slimmed-down events, possibly without the creation of a new crown for the consorts (Camilla, then Catherine). Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law. 45 years ago, my dad drove drunk and got into an accident. We went to the ital with my badly injured mom. My sister and I just had some bruises, so all we needed was x-rays. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I’m ashamed to say, but I cannot remember his real name; so, we’ll just call him John. As John started to get up, he looked as if he was going to faint and seemed a bit too wobbly. I asked him if I should call an Ambulance and he said no, no, he was diabetic and had skipped breakfast. I offered him juice and asked if I could fix him some eggs. He took the Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt and I love this juice, declined the eggs and asked to use my telephone. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. They barely knew each other and moved in together, got engaged, married, became ‘Sussex’, got a dog, lived in three homes, had a baby, became ‘un-Sussex’, and moved twice to two different countries and lived in two stranger’s homes. There are two rumors about what went on – one is recorded by a Quoran who attended the event; while he didn’t witness it, word went among the guests that Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. It is impossible to swallow your tongue while it is still attached. With that said, it is possible that your tongue may obstruct your airway if you’re unconscious. That’s why one of the first steps in CPR is the head tilt chin lift. This technique aligns the airway and forces the tongue to move up and out of the way. If you stick anything in the mouth of someone in distress, you run the very real risk of losing it. We had a similar call but instead of using a finger, this samaritan used a blue pen. When we arrived, the pen was gone but it was very obvious that it had been blue. Why? Because when the patient bit through the pen, enough blue ink came out to smear all over the patient’s mouth. This samaritan turned a seizure patient into a choking patient. This patient thus required much more treatment than originally needed. EMT’s have specialized airway tools that are used to secure the airway and keep it open. A pen is an inadequate tool for this. Buy this shirt:  Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Very hard. We found a bungalow in a residential street where we used to live and started making enquires about the I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt it is in the first place but area, as it was an area over the other side of town. We asked the postman, who we knew and he said it was fine. We got a friend who lived nearer to pass that way from time to time, and she said there were no obvious problems. We even drove past at different times of day but again, all seemed in order. But Nicholas* is smoking cigarettes when he’s on duty taking care of my sister! Sometimes I see the smoke going right into her!” My daughter, with a tracheostomy, acute allergies, and chronic lung disease, was cared for while I was at work by Nicholas, an Aupair from a Scandinavian country. He was referred to me by his sister, who was another au pair; she was good and I trusted her. John struggled to get up, got his bearings, and then asked me if he could have a hug. He said, “We are a family of huggers.” I was a bit surprised but returned his hug and Anne Marie gave me a hug too. Zack smiled and headed into my kitchen. John and Anne Marie drove away in the VW Bug and Zack finished installing my new garbage disposal within 45 minutes. This really helps to increase their vocabulary, learn to use new words in context, and stop relying on their mother tongue as a crutch. So Harry and Meghan would have arrived in Hollywood to much PR fanfare; there may well have been a big ‘launch’ party – get to know the coupling type of thing – to which would have been invited all the great and good – stars, directors, and others -who could prove useful in their ‘careers’ (not saying here that they would all have gone because some may well have continued to avoid Meghan because of her ‘reputation’ and, actually, a ‘past’!). My son came close to me and whispered. “Mom. I have to tell you something. I hope you won’t think I’m a tattletale. While you should definitely know how to do that, try to practice speaking (at least by yourself if you don’t have a partner you can practice with regularly) using basic English grammar structures. Every public occasion Harry and Meghan would be involved in would be beneficial to someone, even if it was only having a cup of tea in a care home. If one event is boring, there will be others that are of interest and fun to be at. They could have built a reputation for philanthropy in their work – raising money for Harry’s and Meghan’s charities (but they wouldn’t have been able to gain financially themselves from this so ALL money raised would go to their charities!) Buy this shirt:  I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Webcams, generally housed at the Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt What’s more,I will buy this top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. But it just emphasizes the fact that Meghan is not an easy person to deal with – and I think, even if she had managed to get some financially lucrative events under her belt, because of her attitude, her star would have fallen very, very fast John sat down at my dining table to use my phone, drank another glass of juice; and, even with kid distractions, I could make out that someone was coming from his shop. He told me he’d be just fine and help would arrive soon. I had been worrying about the cost of the plumbing repairs and now I’m worried about this older gentleman croaking right here in my house. Many users have come to expect more from every single piece of electronics that they own, from smartphones and tablets to laptops, watches, and TVs. We complained to the council, who asked us to log the noise, but after presenting them with a month’s logs said it was hard to act as it was a private house and not a council house. It got that bad that the guy across the road who had the fight with Number 2 arsewipe, paid for a couple of heavies, who forced their way in and “Removed “ his equipment and made it clear to him that next time, He will be removed. It certainly worked as dad and he dare not complain to the police as they were frightened of what they would find!. We moved away shortly after that and the twat next door also moved out and got married. So, even the best detective work does not always work. Buy this shirt:  Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Retro gamer shirt We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the Retro gamer shirt Also,I will get this living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Although I did not clearly remember this growing up, through therapy I was able to articulate that they were fighting about money and how expensive my athletic team and competitions were. I heard that I was the cause of their financial problems. This was devastating for a young girl and debilitated me in terms of buying anything for myself. As a teen, going to the mall was a trauma, trying to find a better price on something I needed, wanting something I wouldn’t buy. My parents would give me their credit card and send me clothes shopping and I’d come home empty-handed and upset. Sometimes they took me shopping but I’d only get angry and act out. Nothing looked good, everything was too expensive. I had the bare minimum for myself whereas my younger sister had a taste for expensive clothes and no problem buying them. You bet I resented her for it. Authors tend to spend a fair amount of time writing, and while they’re writing, they inevitably aren’t doing other things that they could be doing, such as looking after their loved ones. This is why some authors don’t have children at all, while those that do often tend to have somewhat uneasy relationships with their children or partners, who very often feel neglected. NEVER ignore a nurse’s gut feeling, if they say something is off then to believe it until you can disprove it. I’ve been wrong with gut feelings twice maybe in 10 years and I was glad to be proven wrong! Every other time I’ve been spot on and shit has hit the fan, even in public spaces and at home. Because of this gut feeling, Buy this shirt:  Retro gamer shirt Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Got her a chest x-ray, and handed over to the Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt and by the same token and ward she was going to over the phone while the doctor finished writing up her examination. Well, the patient’s daughter comes running out of the waiting room and her mum is blue from the waist up and we knew then she had a pulmonary embolism. She arrests, but somehow 30 compressions and some oxygen got her back (though we would be thrombolytic which means 90mins continuous compressions) but we must have moved the clot. Got her diagnosed and treated for a massive PE post-arrest, she was sat up having a cup of tea half an hour after it, and we sent her over to cardiac for telemetry. I had been watching this woman like a hawk because I just knew she wasn’t ok. I wasn’t the only nurse who felt it either. No reasons, we just know. I don’t remember my early childhood and what I do remember consists mostly of vague memories and visual snapshots so I can’t quote word for word the overheard conversation between my parents that traumatized me for decades but… I think you could say my parents are really laid back, and we aren’t really orthodox. We all don’t have time for praying, because I and all my sibling do like 2 honor programs. My parents have an 8 – 7 job as doctors. Lastly, just the other week in my new job on intensive care, I’m looking after a post-op guy and thought “well he looks crap” but again everything was ok about this man. There was no reason to think anything, and one of my colleagues said: “he’s been that color since he got here”. Well, an hour into my shift there’s blood everywhere, surgeons were up stitching his insides up on the bed where he was instead of theatre and major hemorrhage protocol was activated. We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Buy this shirt:  Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt I think this woman is going to go off”. That’s our way of saying they will have a cardiac arrest. My doctor friend knew what I’m like so just eyeballs the Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this patient, says I’m being dramatic and she’s looking good, numbers are great, no reason for worry. Well an hour later shes completely hypoxic, goes blue and arrests. No warning signs at all, I’d got the other nurse to check her really closely because of my gut feeling, and there wasn’t a reason to suspect she would arrest until she went blue and collapsed. We did CPR and we get her to ICU and she survived. We have good reason to believe that all the rubbish she was coughing up from the infection blocked off her upper airway causing the hypoxic arrest. She happened to be nearby once, and she came over, used her key to get in after he didn’t respond to her knocking (because he couldn’t hear her), and she watched him slamming his vacuum into our wall for 20 straight minutes. He also had his stereo turned all the way up and his speakers pressed up to our wall. She evicted him that day. He was so mad but too bad. He ended up getting arrested a few years later for domestic assault and battery, and then his wife finally divorced him. Again, KARMA, and I didn’t have to do anything. I did feel sorry for his wife and kid, but she should have left him long before that happened. It’s not like it came out of nowhere. I got revenge in both cases by just waiting for these losers to do themselves in. One day, I’ll write about my former brother in law, but I don’t think anyone will believe me. He’s that big of a POS. In my old job, we had an assessment unit for referrals from the community. Buy this shirt:  Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt Texas neander thal shirt After I got settled into my new base, we would get bombed any number of times. I always put on a helmet and flak jacket until the Texas neander thal shirt and by the same token and episode was over. But I was in the minority. Most of the attacks were at night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. Most troops just got out of bed and ran for the shelter not far from our barracks. Like my friends at Cam Ranh Bay, they felt that the flak jackets would be worthless in a massive explosion situation, and the helmet and the flak jacket were kind of heavy and awkward to wear anyway. Regardless of how fortunate I was in not getting harmed, I always wore my helmet and flak jacket. Troops would sort of smile and shake their heads as they watched me put them on. I wasn’t totally alone, though. Others felt the way I did. But we were clearly in the minority. Most GI’s on Air Bases did not wear helmets or flak jackets, even during the times we got hit. And, that was the way it was in real life back in the ‘Nam. I once had a woman tell me, at her wedding reception, that she would have liked to have married me, but she didn’t think that I would make enough money to keep her happy. I took it pretty well, since, up to that point, I had not realized that she thought of me as a marriage prospect, and I had never thought of her in those terms. I dodged a bullet that I never knew was coming. “well, I wonder what corporate office would have to say about this…I don’t think they would be very happy about this.. besides when someone goes over the books and sees the large number of brownies sold versus the amounts of money donated..don’t you think that will raise some flags?” What is the most humiliating thing you have ever seen happen to a maid? Buy this shirt:  Texas neander thal shirt Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt A first phone call, “Will you please come get my brother out of my house?” They said, “Yep” hung up the Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt But I will love this phone, and were there immediately. When they walked in, they said, “Let’s go.” My brother put his head down, said “ok” and they walked him out. As he left I made sure he understood that he was never welcome to step foot inside of my home again. Somehow I fell asleep, still wearing my helmet and flak jacket. It might have been because I had just been in the air for about 24 hours. When I woke up the other guys told me where to get cleaned up, as they continued to tease me. “Guess you earned you combat pay last night, huh, kid,” one of them said. “He didn’t have anything to worry about, guys all that protective gear he was wearin’.” The others laughed simultaneously. I realize now that it was all good-humored. Who doesn’t enjoy ribbing a new guy in Vietnam? One of them then drove me in a jeep to the personnel “office.” I learned that I had been re-assigned to Nha Trang Air Base. It breaks my heart to think about, especially because I don’t know what happened to him or his family. I don’t know for sure if his mom hurt him, or allowed it and was too scared to stop it. I don’t know the extent of the pain he went through. I don’t know if he’s okay or safe, and I only hope that he’s finally loved the right way. I said “ kind of unethical? Isn’t it? These customers think the whole 2.50 is going to donations and instead, the company increases the price, earning the same or more profit, while the proceeds for donations are basically pocket change? How do you really feel about that? Buy this shirt:  Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt We love because he first loved us John shirt Richard the We love because he first loved us John shirt but in fact I love this Lionheart famously forgave the man who killed him. Saladin could be brutal and merciless but also compassionate, generous, and forgiving. There many examples of both kinds of behavior. Salah al-Din predictably decided to make an attack on Jerusalem. Given his overwhelming superiority of force and the apparent weakness of a 16-year-old suffering from leprosy, Salah al-Din left only a small force to keep Baldwin trapped in Ascalon, and continued north, allowing his troops to continue plundering along the way rather than concentrating on his goal. The following year, however, he was again seized with a fever, and believing he was on his death-bed made his brother-in-law Guy de Lusignan regent. Thus when Salah al-Din invaded a fourth time in 1183, it was Guy de Lusignan who led the Christian armies to face him. Baldwin IV ruled for less than ten years and throughout his reign, he was handicapped by a progressively debilitating and disfiguring disease. Yet he retained the loyalty of his subjects to the very end and on no less than five occasions prevented Salah al-Din’s vastly superior forces from over-running his fragile kingdom. For that, he should be revered and respected. Our marriage would continue to slowly deteriorate and by the time our son was three, he was the only thing that kept us together. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the time when I walked on him making out with the babysitter, again he begged but this time I wasn’t going to fall for that again. I asked him to leave for a while and only come back if he was ready to be committed, but what I was doing was giving him the perfect opportunity to cheat. While he was away I got access to his phone without him knowing on NexusPry on Strikingly I was about seven weeks into what would become a five-year trip through Asia-Pacific. Had $100,000 saved, was 28, no obligations to anyone or anything. I’d quit my horrible but lucrative job, sold my car, given away all my crap and apartment and begun my trip on a one-way ticket from Toronto to Western Samoa in the South Pacific. Instead, I’d like to highlight the reign of Baldwin IV. Buy this shirt:  We love because he first loved us John shirt We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Although, being a peaceful neighbor, India has been at the We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Besides,I will do this receiving end of attacks from China and Pakistan. After two years of the crushing defeat in the Indo-China war, the People’s Republic of China detonated a 16-kiloton bomb, its first nuclear test, on 16 October 1964 and became the fifth country to make their mark in the global nuclear map. On April 8, 2018, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) chief R Chidambaram and DRDO chief APJ Abdul Kalam were given approval for the tests. The information was kept under covers. The main challenge in this test was to avoid spying satellites and ensuring that the information does not reach the wrong hands. Any activity caught by satellites in the Pokhran area of Rajasthan shall lead to international outrage. She taught me a certain fearlessness, with hearty measures of forgiveness, open-mindedness, an instinct to find the comedy in everything good or awful and to milk it in order to win over locals, other travelers and potential threats like cops, customs & immigration officials and the weirdos you meet on the road. Salah al-Din had assembled his forces to meet the expected invasion and recognized that the Kingdom of Jerusalem was practically defenseless before him. He invaded, sacking and plundering as he advanced north, leaving well-defended positions like the Templar castle at Gaza untouched until he came to Ascalon. Ascalon had been in Egyptian hands until 1153 and was considered a key strategic position for the defense of Egypt — or the attack on Jerusalem. Saladin prepared to besiege the city. According to one contemporary chronicler (Ernoul), Sibylla was seduced by Guy (and she would not have been the first princess in Outremer to be seduced by a young adventurer!), and Baldwin first threatened to hang Guy for “debauching” a princess, but then gave in to his sister and mother’s pleadings to let his sister marry “the man she loved.” Other sources (William of Tyre) suggest that Baldwin feared the Count of Tripoli was planning to depose him by arranging a marriage between Sibylla and Baldwin d’Ibelin, the Baron of Ramla and Mirabel Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Good days butterfly shirt They think they’re fine, it’s the world that’s messed up! Good days butterfly shirt concerned that you’re ugly on the inside, you probably aren’t. Why did you plant an ugly tree in your yard in the first place? Was it mislabeled? When you are breaking up with them meet them in person , don’t mince words, call them as they are for example if you have fallen out of love with the person say it, look into their eyes and say it (for this you will need to have you’re own clarity). And once you figured out what it was, why did you climb the thing? Buy this shirt:  Good days butterfly shirt One in the oven shirt Buy this shirt:  One in the oven shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Then my mother gave me her list of people she wanted to be invited: people I had never met and some I’d never heard of. Apparently she felt that someone she went to high school with a million years ago should be invited to my wedding because she wanted to show off “what a catch” I was marrying. I tried to explain to her that we wanted a small wedding, but she just poo-pooed me and told me not to ruin her big day. She seriously said that. I just smiled and nodded as my stomach knots tied a bit tighter. She obviously misunderstood the 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Additionally,I will love this empathetic and inspiring words I had tried to convey to her. She continued to curse me some more. Called me a piece of s**t. Sometimes she would call me names as if she was talking to the air or too herself under her breath. She called me a few choice words again and finally told me to never call her back again and hung up. But the room next door was the prep room, where the deceased were made ready for viewing and visitation. It was here that the embalming took place (perfusing the blood with preservatives, changing their clothes to what they’d be buried in, that sort of thing. The problem was though that there was a snag of some sort in the casket. It strikes me as very unusual for there to have been a splinter in the polished wood so perhaps it was a metal fastener on the handles that had an edge. The next day when he came in, he was pulled into the office with the head chef and general manager and was promptly fired for theft, and naturally, the sous chef denied giving him permission. Coupled with witness statements that placed him walking out with three cheesecakes, he had absolutely no recourse. The last straw was when my boyfriend’s out of town family, a considerably large group, called to ask if they could crash at our place when they came to town for the wedding so they wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel. When he sputtered “But we plan to be at our place the night of the wedding, and it’s our wedding night!” they suggested that WE get a hotel room so we can be more accommodating to our guests. This message was completely unexpected and practically knocked me off my feet. It was really spooky and absolutely chilling. It was almost as if something supernatural had been coiled up inside her and the crazy creature reared it’s head and screamed from her mouth. The prep/embalming room was kept cooler than the rest of the building because, well, it helped to preserve the bodies longer and keep the smells down, although there was a unique smell to both the bodies and the preservatives that’s hard to describe once you’ve smelled it you’ll never forget it. Buy this shirt:  32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt The glass lay scattered on the Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt and I will buy this ground around my poor car. She wasn’t the fanciest or the fastest. She had a 4 cylinder engine that would have been more at home in a sub-compact than in an SUV, but she was spacious, comfy, and reliable. I’d driven her from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Lake Michigan to the gulf. She’d never let me down. So Mr. Macho comes over and starts jawing at my friend. He ignores him, but the guy keeps getting more insistent. Finally, my buddy looks at the bartender and says “Bring me another (beer) but DON’T open it.” The bartender looked at him funny but puts the beer can on the bar. Fast forward to getting married young and my husband wanting to be young parents and done by 30. I had my oldest child in 2012, I was 20 when she was born. She turns 8 years old this month. Then I had a miscarriage in 2014. Husband and I initially only wanted 2–2 1/2 years between kids. But I miscarried and wasn’t ready for a while. I had to deal with a lot of devastation for this little life that I had so deeply wanted. I still know in my heart that the baby would have been a boy. In 2015, over a year after my miscarriage, I was ready. 10 months later, my son was born. Almost 3 years and 9 months, after my oldest was born, at the age of 24, I was graced with my sweetest rainbow boy. Looking back, it was like I was in a fog of pain and confusion for about a year and a half. It all culminated in a hitting rock bottom one night and wanting to kill me. I think it was just a deep desire to have that phase of my life die, and a new one begins. It did, and things are good! Buy this shirt:  Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt Even if there is a consort crowning during the 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories shirt in contrast I will get this coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Buy this shirt:  52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt My dad was arrested, but about three hours later he showed up at the All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt But I will love this hospital in a cab. He called my uncle, who worked late, and had him pick us up and take us home. Apparently, Toronto cops know better than to hold the sole guardian of two minor children in jail. Previously I had been paid out of a separate bank account, but once I started full time I got paid from the same payroll account as everyone else. On my first payday, everyone received a check and immediately ran out of the office. I was surprised by this behavior, waited a day or two, then went to deposit my paycheck at the bank. Mom would beat me or humiliate me, or point out my large breasts as a kid and other things. She would throw me outside in the winter and not let me in while my sister was in the house. Just before dad got home she would make me come and wash up from whatever she did to me. I was crying one day when he got home. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. Mom told him he had a choice between me and her. He told her to get out…but took me for a ride to tell me I had to move out that day he can’t have me there anymore”. I was 18, had no job or a place to go. But he was telling me to leave. I ended up moving in with my aunt. Dad never chose me. Ever. Moms who let go when the time comes to a long way in building trust with the daughter-in-law. It’s about boundaries and respecting them. Proper boundaries are the starting point of all good relationships, I have found. So, when Brooks ran away, let him go. We can reasonably assume that the next two coronations will be reasonably slimmed-down events, possibly without the creation of a new crown for the consorts (Camilla, then Catherine). Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law. 45 years ago, my dad drove drunk and got into an accident. We went to the ital with my badly injured mom. My sister and I just had some bruises, so all we needed was x-rays. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I’m ashamed to say, but I cannot remember his real name; so, we’ll just call him John. As John started to get up, he looked as if he was going to faint and seemed a bit too wobbly. I asked him if I should call an Ambulance and he said no, no, he was diabetic and had skipped breakfast. I offered him juice and asked if I could fix him some eggs. He took the Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt and I love this juice, declined the eggs and asked to use my telephone. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. They barely knew each other and moved in together, got engaged, married, became ‘Sussex’, got a dog, lived in three homes, had a baby, became ‘un-Sussex’, and moved twice to two different countries and lived in two stranger’s homes. There are two rumors about what went on – one is recorded by a Quoran who attended the event; while he didn’t witness it, word went among the guests that Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. It is impossible to swallow your tongue while it is still attached. With that said, it is possible that your tongue may obstruct your airway if you’re unconscious. That’s why one of the first steps in CPR is the head tilt chin lift. This technique aligns the airway and forces the tongue to move up and out of the way. If you stick anything in the mouth of someone in distress, you run the very real risk of losing it. We had a similar call but instead of using a finger, this samaritan used a blue pen. When we arrived, the pen was gone but it was very obvious that it had been blue. Why? Because when the patient bit through the pen, enough blue ink came out to smear all over the patient’s mouth. This samaritan turned a seizure patient into a choking patient. This patient thus required much more treatment than originally needed. EMT’s have specialized airway tools that are used to secure the airway and keep it open. A pen is an inadequate tool for this. Buy this shirt:  Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Very hard. We found a bungalow in a residential street where we used to live and started making enquires about the I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt it is in the first place but area, as it was an area over the other side of town. We asked the postman, who we knew and he said it was fine. We got a friend who lived nearer to pass that way from time to time, and she said there were no obvious problems. We even drove past at different times of day but again, all seemed in order. But Nicholas* is smoking cigarettes when he’s on duty taking care of my sister! Sometimes I see the smoke going right into her!” My daughter, with a tracheostomy, acute allergies, and chronic lung disease, was cared for while I was at work by Nicholas, an Aupair from a Scandinavian country. He was referred to me by his sister, who was another au pair; she was good and I trusted her. John struggled to get up, got his bearings, and then asked me if he could have a hug. He said, “We are a family of huggers.” I was a bit surprised but returned his hug and Anne Marie gave me a hug too. Zack smiled and headed into my kitchen. John and Anne Marie drove away in the VW Bug and Zack finished installing my new garbage disposal within 45 minutes. This really helps to increase their vocabulary, learn to use new words in context, and stop relying on their mother tongue as a crutch. So Harry and Meghan would have arrived in Hollywood to much PR fanfare; there may well have been a big ‘launch’ party – get to know the coupling type of thing – to which would have been invited all the great and good – stars, directors, and others -who could prove useful in their ‘careers’ (not saying here that they would all have gone because some may well have continued to avoid Meghan because of her ‘reputation’ and, actually, a ‘past’!). My son came close to me and whispered. “Mom. I have to tell you something. I hope you won’t think I’m a tattletale. While you should definitely know how to do that, try to practice speaking (at least by yourself if you don’t have a partner you can practice with regularly) using basic English grammar structures. Every public occasion Harry and Meghan would be involved in would be beneficial to someone, even if it was only having a cup of tea in a care home. If one event is boring, there will be others that are of interest and fun to be at. They could have built a reputation for philanthropy in their work – raising money for Harry’s and Meghan’s charities (but they wouldn’t have been able to gain financially themselves from this so ALL money raised would go to their charities!) Buy this shirt:  I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Webcams, generally housed at the Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt What’s more,I will buy this top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. But it just emphasizes the fact that Meghan is not an easy person to deal with – and I think, even if she had managed to get some financially lucrative events under her belt, because of her attitude, her star would have fallen very, very fast John sat down at my dining table to use my phone, drank another glass of juice; and, even with kid distractions, I could make out that someone was coming from his shop. He told me he’d be just fine and help would arrive soon. I had been worrying about the cost of the plumbing repairs and now I’m worried about this older gentleman croaking right here in my house. Many users have come to expect more from every single piece of electronics that they own, from smartphones and tablets to laptops, watches, and TVs. We complained to the council, who asked us to log the noise, but after presenting them with a month’s logs said it was hard to act as it was a private house and not a council house. It got that bad that the guy across the road who had the fight with Number 2 arsewipe, paid for a couple of heavies, who forced their way in and “Removed “ his equipment and made it clear to him that next time, He will be removed. It certainly worked as dad and he dare not complain to the police as they were frightened of what they would find!. We moved away shortly after that and the twat next door also moved out and got married. So, even the best detective work does not always work. Buy this shirt:  Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Retro gamer shirt We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the Retro gamer shirt Also,I will get this living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Although I did not clearly remember this growing up, through therapy I was able to articulate that they were fighting about money and how expensive my athletic team and competitions were. I heard that I was the cause of their financial problems. This was devastating for a young girl and debilitated me in terms of buying anything for myself. As a teen, going to the mall was a trauma, trying to find a better price on something I needed, wanting something I wouldn’t buy. My parents would give me their credit card and send me clothes shopping and I’d come home empty-handed and upset. Sometimes they took me shopping but I’d only get angry and act out. Nothing looked good, everything was too expensive. I had the bare minimum for myself whereas my younger sister had a taste for expensive clothes and no problem buying them. You bet I resented her for it. Authors tend to spend a fair amount of time writing, and while they’re writing, they inevitably aren’t doing other things that they could be doing, such as looking after their loved ones. This is why some authors don’t have children at all, while those that do often tend to have somewhat uneasy relationships with their children or partners, who very often feel neglected. NEVER ignore a nurse’s gut feeling, if they say something is off then to believe it until you can disprove it. I’ve been wrong with gut feelings twice maybe in 10 years and I was glad to be proven wrong! Every other time I’ve been spot on and shit has hit the fan, even in public spaces and at home. Because of this gut feeling, Buy this shirt:  Retro gamer shirt Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Got her a chest x-ray, and handed over to the Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt and by the same token and ward she was going to over the phone while the doctor finished writing up her examination. Well, the patient’s daughter comes running out of the waiting room and her mum is blue from the waist up and we knew then she had a pulmonary embolism. She arrests, but somehow 30 compressions and some oxygen got her back (though we would be thrombolytic which means 90mins continuous compressions) but we must have moved the clot. Got her diagnosed and treated for a massive PE post-arrest, she was sat up having a cup of tea half an hour after it, and we sent her over to cardiac for telemetry. I had been watching this woman like a hawk because I just knew she wasn’t ok. I wasn’t the only nurse who felt it either. No reasons, we just know. I don’t remember my early childhood and what I do remember consists mostly of vague memories and visual snapshots so I can’t quote word for word the overheard conversation between my parents that traumatized me for decades but… I think you could say my parents are really laid back, and we aren’t really orthodox. We all don’t have time for praying, because I and all my sibling do like 2 honor programs. My parents have an 8 – 7 job as doctors. Lastly, just the other week in my new job on intensive care, I’m looking after a post-op guy and thought “well he looks crap” but again everything was ok about this man. There was no reason to think anything, and one of my colleagues said: “he’s been that color since he got here”. Well, an hour into my shift there’s blood everywhere, surgeons were up stitching his insides up on the bed where he was instead of theatre and major hemorrhage protocol was activated. We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Buy this shirt:  Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt I think this woman is going to go off”. That’s our way of saying they will have a cardiac arrest. My doctor friend knew what I’m like so just eyeballs the Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this patient, says I’m being dramatic and she’s looking good, numbers are great, no reason for worry. Well an hour later shes completely hypoxic, goes blue and arrests. No warning signs at all, I’d got the other nurse to check her really closely because of my gut feeling, and there wasn’t a reason to suspect she would arrest until she went blue and collapsed. We did CPR and we get her to ICU and she survived. We have good reason to believe that all the rubbish she was coughing up from the infection blocked off her upper airway causing the hypoxic arrest. She happened to be nearby once, and she came over, used her key to get in after he didn’t respond to her knocking (because he couldn’t hear her), and she watched him slamming his vacuum into our wall for 20 straight minutes. He also had his stereo turned all the way up and his speakers pressed up to our wall. She evicted him that day. He was so mad but too bad. He ended up getting arrested a few years later for domestic assault and battery, and then his wife finally divorced him. Again, KARMA, and I didn’t have to do anything. I did feel sorry for his wife and kid, but she should have left him long before that happened. It’s not like it came out of nowhere. I got revenge in both cases by just waiting for these losers to do themselves in. One day, I’ll write about my former brother in law, but I don’t think anyone will believe me. He’s that big of a POS. In my old job, we had an assessment unit for referrals from the community. Buy this shirt:  Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt Texas neander thal shirt After I got settled into my new base, we would get bombed any number of times. I always put on a helmet and flak jacket until the Texas neander thal shirt and by the same token and episode was over. But I was in the minority. Most of the attacks were at night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. Most troops just got out of bed and ran for the shelter not far from our barracks. Like my friends at Cam Ranh Bay, they felt that the flak jackets would be worthless in a massive explosion situation, and the helmet and the flak jacket were kind of heavy and awkward to wear anyway. Regardless of how fortunate I was in not getting harmed, I always wore my helmet and flak jacket. Troops would sort of smile and shake their heads as they watched me put them on. I wasn’t totally alone, though. Others felt the way I did. But we were clearly in the minority. Most GI’s on Air Bases did not wear helmets or flak jackets, even during the times we got hit. And, that was the way it was in real life back in the ‘Nam. I once had a woman tell me, at her wedding reception, that she would have liked to have married me, but she didn’t think that I would make enough money to keep her happy. I took it pretty well, since, up to that point, I had not realized that she thought of me as a marriage prospect, and I had never thought of her in those terms. I dodged a bullet that I never knew was coming. “well, I wonder what corporate office would have to say about this…I don’t think they would be very happy about this.. besides when someone goes over the books and sees the large number of brownies sold versus the amounts of money donated..don’t you think that will raise some flags?” What is the most humiliating thing you have ever seen happen to a maid? Buy this shirt:  Texas neander thal shirt Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt A first phone call, “Will you please come get my brother out of my house?” They said, “Yep” hung up the Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt But I will love this phone, and were there immediately. When they walked in, they said, “Let’s go.” My brother put his head down, said “ok” and they walked him out. As he left I made sure he understood that he was never welcome to step foot inside of my home again. Somehow I fell asleep, still wearing my helmet and flak jacket. It might have been because I had just been in the air for about 24 hours. When I woke up the other guys told me where to get cleaned up, as they continued to tease me. “Guess you earned you combat pay last night, huh, kid,” one of them said. “He didn’t have anything to worry about, guys all that protective gear he was wearin’.” The others laughed simultaneously. I realize now that it was all good-humored. Who doesn’t enjoy ribbing a new guy in Vietnam? One of them then drove me in a jeep to the personnel “office.” I learned that I had been re-assigned to Nha Trang Air Base. It breaks my heart to think about, especially because I don’t know what happened to him or his family. I don’t know for sure if his mom hurt him, or allowed it and was too scared to stop it. I don’t know the extent of the pain he went through. I don’t know if he’s okay or safe, and I only hope that he’s finally loved the right way. I said “ kind of unethical? Isn’t it? These customers think the whole 2.50 is going to donations and instead, the company increases the price, earning the same or more profit, while the proceeds for donations are basically pocket change? How do you really feel about that? Buy this shirt:  Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt We love because he first loved us John shirt Richard the We love because he first loved us John shirt but in fact I love this Lionheart famously forgave the man who killed him. Saladin could be brutal and merciless but also compassionate, generous, and forgiving. There many examples of both kinds of behavior. Salah al-Din predictably decided to make an attack on Jerusalem. Given his overwhelming superiority of force and the apparent weakness of a 16-year-old suffering from leprosy, Salah al-Din left only a small force to keep Baldwin trapped in Ascalon, and continued north, allowing his troops to continue plundering along the way rather than concentrating on his goal. The following year, however, he was again seized with a fever, and believing he was on his death-bed made his brother-in-law Guy de Lusignan regent. Thus when Salah al-Din invaded a fourth time in 1183, it was Guy de Lusignan who led the Christian armies to face him. Baldwin IV ruled for less than ten years and throughout his reign, he was handicapped by a progressively debilitating and disfiguring disease. Yet he retained the loyalty of his subjects to the very end and on no less than five occasions prevented Salah al-Din’s vastly superior forces from over-running his fragile kingdom. For that, he should be revered and respected. Our marriage would continue to slowly deteriorate and by the time our son was three, he was the only thing that kept us together. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the time when I walked on him making out with the babysitter, again he begged but this time I wasn’t going to fall for that again. I asked him to leave for a while and only come back if he was ready to be committed, but what I was doing was giving him the perfect opportunity to cheat. While he was away I got access to his phone without him knowing on NexusPry on Strikingly I was about seven weeks into what would become a five-year trip through Asia-Pacific. Had $100,000 saved, was 28, no obligations to anyone or anything. I’d quit my horrible but lucrative job, sold my car, given away all my crap and apartment and begun my trip on a one-way ticket from Toronto to Western Samoa in the South Pacific. Instead, I’d like to highlight the reign of Baldwin IV. Buy this shirt:  We love because he first loved us John shirt We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Although, being a peaceful neighbor, India has been at the We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Besides,I will do this receiving end of attacks from China and Pakistan. After two years of the crushing defeat in the Indo-China war, the People’s Republic of China detonated a 16-kiloton bomb, its first nuclear test, on 16 October 1964 and became the fifth country to make their mark in the global nuclear map. On April 8, 2018, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) chief R Chidambaram and DRDO chief APJ Abdul Kalam were given approval for the tests. The information was kept under covers. The main challenge in this test was to avoid spying satellites and ensuring that the information does not reach the wrong hands. Any activity caught by satellites in the Pokhran area of Rajasthan shall lead to international outrage. She taught me a certain fearlessness, with hearty measures of forgiveness, open-mindedness, an instinct to find the comedy in everything good or awful and to milk it in order to win over locals, other travelers and potential threats like cops, customs & immigration officials and the weirdos you meet on the road. Salah al-Din had assembled his forces to meet the expected invasion and recognized that the Kingdom of Jerusalem was practically defenseless before him. He invaded, sacking and plundering as he advanced north, leaving well-defended positions like the Templar castle at Gaza untouched until he came to Ascalon. Ascalon had been in Egyptian hands until 1153 and was considered a key strategic position for the defense of Egypt — or the attack on Jerusalem. Saladin prepared to besiege the city. According to one contemporary chronicler (Ernoul), Sibylla was seduced by Guy (and she would not have been the first princess in Outremer to be seduced by a young adventurer!), and Baldwin first threatened to hang Guy for “debauching” a princess, but then gave in to his sister and mother’s pleadings to let his sister marry “the man she loved.” Other sources (William of Tyre) suggest that Baldwin feared the Count of Tripoli was planning to depose him by arranging a marriage between Sibylla and Baldwin d’Ibelin, the Baron of Ramla and Mirabel Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Good days butterfly shirt They think they’re fine, it’s the world that’s messed up! Good days butterfly shirt concerned that you’re ugly on the inside, you probably aren’t. Why did you plant an ugly tree in your yard in the first place? Was it mislabeled? When you are breaking up with them meet them in person , don’t mince words, call them as they are for example if you have fallen out of love with the person say it, look into their eyes and say it (for this you will need to have you’re own clarity). And once you figured out what it was, why did you climb the thing? Buy this shirt:  Good days butterfly shirt One in the oven shirt Buy this shirt:  One in the oven shirt

Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt - from 1

Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt - from 1

32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Then my mother gave me her list of people she wanted to be invited: people I had never met and some I’d never heard of. Apparently she felt that someone she went to high school with a million years ago should be invited to my wedding because she wanted to show off “what a catch” I was marrying. I tried to explain to her that we wanted a small wedding, but she just poo-pooed me and told me not to ruin her big day. She seriously said that. I just smiled and nodded as my stomach knots tied a bit tighter. She obviously misunderstood the 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Additionally,I will love this empathetic and inspiring words I had tried to convey to her. She continued to curse me some more. Called me a piece of s**t. Sometimes she would call me names as if she was talking to the air or too herself under her breath. She called me a few choice words again and finally told me to never call her back again and hung up. But the room next door was the prep room, where the deceased were made ready for viewing and visitation. It was here that the embalming took place (perfusing the blood with preservatives, changing their clothes to what they’d be buried in, that sort of thing. The problem was though that there was a snag of some sort in the casket. It strikes me as very unusual for there to have been a splinter in the polished wood so perhaps it was a metal fastener on the handles that had an edge. The next day when he came in, he was pulled into the office with the head chef and general manager and was promptly fired for theft, and naturally, the sous chef denied giving him permission. Coupled with witness statements that placed him walking out with three cheesecakes, he had absolutely no recourse. The last straw was when my boyfriend’s out of town family, a considerably large group, called to ask if they could crash at our place when they came to town for the wedding so they wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel. When he sputtered “But we plan to be at our place the night of the wedding, and it’s our wedding night!” they suggested that WE get a hotel room so we can be more accommodating to our guests. This message was completely unexpected and practically knocked me off my feet. It was really spooky and absolutely chilling. It was almost as if something supernatural had been coiled up inside her and the crazy creature reared it’s head and screamed from her mouth. The prep/embalming room was kept cooler than the rest of the building because, well, it helped to preserve the bodies longer and keep the smells down, although there was a unique smell to both the bodies and the preservatives that’s hard to describe once you’ve smelled it you’ll never forget it. Buy this shirt:  32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt The glass lay scattered on the Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt and I will buy this ground around my poor car. She wasn’t the fanciest or the fastest. She had a 4 cylinder engine that would have been more at home in a sub-compact than in an SUV, but she was spacious, comfy, and reliable. I’d driven her from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Lake Michigan to the gulf. She’d never let me down. So Mr. Macho comes over and starts jawing at my friend. He ignores him, but the guy keeps getting more insistent. Finally, my buddy looks at the bartender and says “Bring me another (beer) but DON’T open it.” The bartender looked at him funny but puts the beer can on the bar. Fast forward to getting married young and my husband wanting to be young parents and done by 30. I had my oldest child in 2012, I was 20 when she was born. She turns 8 years old this month. Then I had a miscarriage in 2014. Husband and I initially only wanted 2–2 1/2 years between kids. But I miscarried and wasn’t ready for a while. I had to deal with a lot of devastation for this little life that I had so deeply wanted. I still know in my heart that the baby would have been a boy. In 2015, over a year after my miscarriage, I was ready. 10 months later, my son was born. Almost 3 years and 9 months, after my oldest was born, at the age of 24, I was graced with my sweetest rainbow boy. Looking back, it was like I was in a fog of pain and confusion for about a year and a half. It all culminated in a hitting rock bottom one night and wanting to kill me. I think it was just a deep desire to have that phase of my life die, and a new one begins. It did, and things are good! Buy this shirt:  Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt Even if there is a consort crowning during the 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories shirt in contrast I will get this coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Buy this shirt:  52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt My dad was arrested, but about three hours later he showed up at the All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt But I will love this hospital in a cab. He called my uncle, who worked late, and had him pick us up and take us home. Apparently, Toronto cops know better than to hold the sole guardian of two minor children in jail. Previously I had been paid out of a separate bank account, but once I started full time I got paid from the same payroll account as everyone else. On my first payday, everyone received a check and immediately ran out of the office. I was surprised by this behavior, waited a day or two, then went to deposit my paycheck at the bank. Mom would beat me or humiliate me, or point out my large breasts as a kid and other things. She would throw me outside in the winter and not let me in while my sister was in the house. Just before dad got home she would make me come and wash up from whatever she did to me. I was crying one day when he got home. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. Mom told him he had a choice between me and her. He told her to get out…but took me for a ride to tell me I had to move out that day he can’t have me there anymore”. I was 18, had no job or a place to go. But he was telling me to leave. I ended up moving in with my aunt. Dad never chose me. Ever. Moms who let go when the time comes to a long way in building trust with the daughter-in-law. It’s about boundaries and respecting them. Proper boundaries are the starting point of all good relationships, I have found. So, when Brooks ran away, let him go. We can reasonably assume that the next two coronations will be reasonably slimmed-down events, possibly without the creation of a new crown for the consorts (Camilla, then Catherine). Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law. 45 years ago, my dad drove drunk and got into an accident. We went to the ital with my badly injured mom. My sister and I just had some bruises, so all we needed was x-rays. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I’m ashamed to say, but I cannot remember his real name; so, we’ll just call him John. As John started to get up, he looked as if he was going to faint and seemed a bit too wobbly. I asked him if I should call an Ambulance and he said no, no, he was diabetic and had skipped breakfast. I offered him juice and asked if I could fix him some eggs. He took the Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt and I love this juice, declined the eggs and asked to use my telephone. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. They barely knew each other and moved in together, got engaged, married, became ‘Sussex’, got a dog, lived in three homes, had a baby, became ‘un-Sussex’, and moved twice to two different countries and lived in two stranger’s homes. There are two rumors about what went on – one is recorded by a Quoran who attended the event; while he didn’t witness it, word went among the guests that Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. It is impossible to swallow your tongue while it is still attached. With that said, it is possible that your tongue may obstruct your airway if you’re unconscious. That’s why one of the first steps in CPR is the head tilt chin lift. This technique aligns the airway and forces the tongue to move up and out of the way. If you stick anything in the mouth of someone in distress, you run the very real risk of losing it. We had a similar call but instead of using a finger, this samaritan used a blue pen. When we arrived, the pen was gone but it was very obvious that it had been blue. Why? Because when the patient bit through the pen, enough blue ink came out to smear all over the patient’s mouth. This samaritan turned a seizure patient into a choking patient. This patient thus required much more treatment than originally needed. EMT’s have specialized airway tools that are used to secure the airway and keep it open. A pen is an inadequate tool for this. Buy this shirt:  Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Very hard. We found a bungalow in a residential street where we used to live and started making enquires about the I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt it is in the first place but area, as it was an area over the other side of town. We asked the postman, who we knew and he said it was fine. We got a friend who lived nearer to pass that way from time to time, and she said there were no obvious problems. We even drove past at different times of day but again, all seemed in order. But Nicholas* is smoking cigarettes when he’s on duty taking care of my sister! Sometimes I see the smoke going right into her!” My daughter, with a tracheostomy, acute allergies, and chronic lung disease, was cared for while I was at work by Nicholas, an Aupair from a Scandinavian country. He was referred to me by his sister, who was another au pair; she was good and I trusted her. John struggled to get up, got his bearings, and then asked me if he could have a hug. He said, “We are a family of huggers.” I was a bit surprised but returned his hug and Anne Marie gave me a hug too. Zack smiled and headed into my kitchen. John and Anne Marie drove away in the VW Bug and Zack finished installing my new garbage disposal within 45 minutes. This really helps to increase their vocabulary, learn to use new words in context, and stop relying on their mother tongue as a crutch. So Harry and Meghan would have arrived in Hollywood to much PR fanfare; there may well have been a big ‘launch’ party – get to know the coupling type of thing – to which would have been invited all the great and good – stars, directors, and others -who could prove useful in their ‘careers’ (not saying here that they would all have gone because some may well have continued to avoid Meghan because of her ‘reputation’ and, actually, a ‘past’!). My son came close to me and whispered. “Mom. I have to tell you something. I hope you won’t think I’m a tattletale. While you should definitely know how to do that, try to practice speaking (at least by yourself if you don’t have a partner you can practice with regularly) using basic English grammar structures. Every public occasion Harry and Meghan would be involved in would be beneficial to someone, even if it was only having a cup of tea in a care home. If one event is boring, there will be others that are of interest and fun to be at. They could have built a reputation for philanthropy in their work – raising money for Harry’s and Meghan’s charities (but they wouldn’t have been able to gain financially themselves from this so ALL money raised would go to their charities!) Buy this shirt:  I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Webcams, generally housed at the Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt What’s more,I will buy this top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. But it just emphasizes the fact that Meghan is not an easy person to deal with – and I think, even if she had managed to get some financially lucrative events under her belt, because of her attitude, her star would have fallen very, very fast John sat down at my dining table to use my phone, drank another glass of juice; and, even with kid distractions, I could make out that someone was coming from his shop. He told me he’d be just fine and help would arrive soon. I had been worrying about the cost of the plumbing repairs and now I’m worried about this older gentleman croaking right here in my house. Many users have come to expect more from every single piece of electronics that they own, from smartphones and tablets to laptops, watches, and TVs. We complained to the council, who asked us to log the noise, but after presenting them with a month’s logs said it was hard to act as it was a private house and not a council house. It got that bad that the guy across the road who had the fight with Number 2 arsewipe, paid for a couple of heavies, who forced their way in and “Removed “ his equipment and made it clear to him that next time, He will be removed. It certainly worked as dad and he dare not complain to the police as they were frightened of what they would find!. We moved away shortly after that and the twat next door also moved out and got married. So, even the best detective work does not always work. Buy this shirt:  Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Retro gamer shirt We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the Retro gamer shirt Also,I will get this living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Although I did not clearly remember this growing up, through therapy I was able to articulate that they were fighting about money and how expensive my athletic team and competitions were. I heard that I was the cause of their financial problems. This was devastating for a young girl and debilitated me in terms of buying anything for myself. As a teen, going to the mall was a trauma, trying to find a better price on something I needed, wanting something I wouldn’t buy. My parents would give me their credit card and send me clothes shopping and I’d come home empty-handed and upset. Sometimes they took me shopping but I’d only get angry and act out. Nothing looked good, everything was too expensive. I had the bare minimum for myself whereas my younger sister had a taste for expensive clothes and no problem buying them. You bet I resented her for it. Authors tend to spend a fair amount of time writing, and while they’re writing, they inevitably aren’t doing other things that they could be doing, such as looking after their loved ones. This is why some authors don’t have children at all, while those that do often tend to have somewhat uneasy relationships with their children or partners, who very often feel neglected. NEVER ignore a nurse’s gut feeling, if they say something is off then to believe it until you can disprove it. I’ve been wrong with gut feelings twice maybe in 10 years and I was glad to be proven wrong! Every other time I’ve been spot on and shit has hit the fan, even in public spaces and at home. Because of this gut feeling, Buy this shirt:  Retro gamer shirt Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Got her a chest x-ray, and handed over to the Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt and by the same token and ward she was going to over the phone while the doctor finished writing up her examination. Well, the patient’s daughter comes running out of the waiting room and her mum is blue from the waist up and we knew then she had a pulmonary embolism. She arrests, but somehow 30 compressions and some oxygen got her back (though we would be thrombolytic which means 90mins continuous compressions) but we must have moved the clot. Got her diagnosed and treated for a massive PE post-arrest, she was sat up having a cup of tea half an hour after it, and we sent her over to cardiac for telemetry. I had been watching this woman like a hawk because I just knew she wasn’t ok. I wasn’t the only nurse who felt it either. No reasons, we just know. I don’t remember my early childhood and what I do remember consists mostly of vague memories and visual snapshots so I can’t quote word for word the overheard conversation between my parents that traumatized me for decades but… I think you could say my parents are really laid back, and we aren’t really orthodox. We all don’t have time for praying, because I and all my sibling do like 2 honor programs. My parents have an 8 – 7 job as doctors. Lastly, just the other week in my new job on intensive care, I’m looking after a post-op guy and thought “well he looks crap” but again everything was ok about this man. There was no reason to think anything, and one of my colleagues said: “he’s been that color since he got here”. Well, an hour into my shift there’s blood everywhere, surgeons were up stitching his insides up on the bed where he was instead of theatre and major hemorrhage protocol was activated. We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Buy this shirt:  Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt I think this woman is going to go off”. That’s our way of saying they will have a cardiac arrest. My doctor friend knew what I’m like so just eyeballs the Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this patient, says I’m being dramatic and she’s looking good, numbers are great, no reason for worry. Well an hour later shes completely hypoxic, goes blue and arrests. No warning signs at all, I’d got the other nurse to check her really closely because of my gut feeling, and there wasn’t a reason to suspect she would arrest until she went blue and collapsed. We did CPR and we get her to ICU and she survived. We have good reason to believe that all the rubbish she was coughing up from the infection blocked off her upper airway causing the hypoxic arrest. She happened to be nearby once, and she came over, used her key to get in after he didn’t respond to her knocking (because he couldn’t hear her), and she watched him slamming his vacuum into our wall for 20 straight minutes. He also had his stereo turned all the way up and his speakers pressed up to our wall. She evicted him that day. He was so mad but too bad. He ended up getting arrested a few years later for domestic assault and battery, and then his wife finally divorced him. Again, KARMA, and I didn’t have to do anything. I did feel sorry for his wife and kid, but she should have left him long before that happened. It’s not like it came out of nowhere. I got revenge in both cases by just waiting for these losers to do themselves in. One day, I’ll write about my former brother in law, but I don’t think anyone will believe me. He’s that big of a POS. In my old job, we had an assessment unit for referrals from the community. Buy this shirt:  Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt Texas neander thal shirt After I got settled into my new base, we would get bombed any number of times. I always put on a helmet and flak jacket until the Texas neander thal shirt and by the same token and episode was over. But I was in the minority. Most of the attacks were at night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. Most troops just got out of bed and ran for the shelter not far from our barracks. Like my friends at Cam Ranh Bay, they felt that the flak jackets would be worthless in a massive explosion situation, and the helmet and the flak jacket were kind of heavy and awkward to wear anyway. Regardless of how fortunate I was in not getting harmed, I always wore my helmet and flak jacket. Troops would sort of smile and shake their heads as they watched me put them on. I wasn’t totally alone, though. Others felt the way I did. But we were clearly in the minority. Most GI’s on Air Bases did not wear helmets or flak jackets, even during the times we got hit. And, that was the way it was in real life back in the ‘Nam. I once had a woman tell me, at her wedding reception, that she would have liked to have married me, but she didn’t think that I would make enough money to keep her happy. I took it pretty well, since, up to that point, I had not realized that she thought of me as a marriage prospect, and I had never thought of her in those terms. I dodged a bullet that I never knew was coming. “well, I wonder what corporate office would have to say about this…I don’t think they would be very happy about this.. besides when someone goes over the books and sees the large number of brownies sold versus the amounts of money donated..don’t you think that will raise some flags?” What is the most humiliating thing you have ever seen happen to a maid? Buy this shirt:  Texas neander thal shirt Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt A first phone call, “Will you please come get my brother out of my house?” They said, “Yep” hung up the Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt But I will love this phone, and were there immediately. When they walked in, they said, “Let’s go.” My brother put his head down, said “ok” and they walked him out. As he left I made sure he understood that he was never welcome to step foot inside of my home again. Somehow I fell asleep, still wearing my helmet and flak jacket. It might have been because I had just been in the air for about 24 hours. When I woke up the other guys told me where to get cleaned up, as they continued to tease me. “Guess you earned you combat pay last night, huh, kid,” one of them said. “He didn’t have anything to worry about, guys all that protective gear he was wearin’.” The others laughed simultaneously. I realize now that it was all good-humored. Who doesn’t enjoy ribbing a new guy in Vietnam? One of them then drove me in a jeep to the personnel “office.” I learned that I had been re-assigned to Nha Trang Air Base. It breaks my heart to think about, especially because I don’t know what happened to him or his family. I don’t know for sure if his mom hurt him, or allowed it and was too scared to stop it. I don’t know the extent of the pain he went through. I don’t know if he’s okay or safe, and I only hope that he’s finally loved the right way. I said “ kind of unethical? Isn’t it? These customers think the whole 2.50 is going to donations and instead, the company increases the price, earning the same or more profit, while the proceeds for donations are basically pocket change? How do you really feel about that? Buy this shirt:  Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt We love because he first loved us John shirt Richard the We love because he first loved us John shirt but in fact I love this Lionheart famously forgave the man who killed him. Saladin could be brutal and merciless but also compassionate, generous, and forgiving. There many examples of both kinds of behavior. Salah al-Din predictably decided to make an attack on Jerusalem. Given his overwhelming superiority of force and the apparent weakness of a 16-year-old suffering from leprosy, Salah al-Din left only a small force to keep Baldwin trapped in Ascalon, and continued north, allowing his troops to continue plundering along the way rather than concentrating on his goal. The following year, however, he was again seized with a fever, and believing he was on his death-bed made his brother-in-law Guy de Lusignan regent. Thus when Salah al-Din invaded a fourth time in 1183, it was Guy de Lusignan who led the Christian armies to face him. Baldwin IV ruled for less than ten years and throughout his reign, he was handicapped by a progressively debilitating and disfiguring disease. Yet he retained the loyalty of his subjects to the very end and on no less than five occasions prevented Salah al-Din’s vastly superior forces from over-running his fragile kingdom. For that, he should be revered and respected. Our marriage would continue to slowly deteriorate and by the time our son was three, he was the only thing that kept us together. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the time when I walked on him making out with the babysitter, again he begged but this time I wasn’t going to fall for that again. I asked him to leave for a while and only come back if he was ready to be committed, but what I was doing was giving him the perfect opportunity to cheat. While he was away I got access to his phone without him knowing on NexusPry on Strikingly I was about seven weeks into what would become a five-year trip through Asia-Pacific. Had $100,000 saved, was 28, no obligations to anyone or anything. I’d quit my horrible but lucrative job, sold my car, given away all my crap and apartment and begun my trip on a one-way ticket from Toronto to Western Samoa in the South Pacific. Instead, I’d like to highlight the reign of Baldwin IV. Buy this shirt:  We love because he first loved us John shirt We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Although, being a peaceful neighbor, India has been at the We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Besides,I will do this receiving end of attacks from China and Pakistan. After two years of the crushing defeat in the Indo-China war, the People’s Republic of China detonated a 16-kiloton bomb, its first nuclear test, on 16 October 1964 and became the fifth country to make their mark in the global nuclear map. On April 8, 2018, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) chief R Chidambaram and DRDO chief APJ Abdul Kalam were given approval for the tests. The information was kept under covers. The main challenge in this test was to avoid spying satellites and ensuring that the information does not reach the wrong hands. Any activity caught by satellites in the Pokhran area of Rajasthan shall lead to international outrage. She taught me a certain fearlessness, with hearty measures of forgiveness, open-mindedness, an instinct to find the comedy in everything good or awful and to milk it in order to win over locals, other travelers and potential threats like cops, customs & immigration officials and the weirdos you meet on the road. Salah al-Din had assembled his forces to meet the expected invasion and recognized that the Kingdom of Jerusalem was practically defenseless before him. He invaded, sacking and plundering as he advanced north, leaving well-defended positions like the Templar castle at Gaza untouched until he came to Ascalon. Ascalon had been in Egyptian hands until 1153 and was considered a key strategic position for the defense of Egypt — or the attack on Jerusalem. Saladin prepared to besiege the city. According to one contemporary chronicler (Ernoul), Sibylla was seduced by Guy (and she would not have been the first princess in Outremer to be seduced by a young adventurer!), and Baldwin first threatened to hang Guy for “debauching” a princess, but then gave in to his sister and mother’s pleadings to let his sister marry “the man she loved.” Other sources (William of Tyre) suggest that Baldwin feared the Count of Tripoli was planning to depose him by arranging a marriage between Sibylla and Baldwin d’Ibelin, the Baron of Ramla and Mirabel Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Good days butterfly shirt They think they’re fine, it’s the world that’s messed up! Good days butterfly shirt concerned that you’re ugly on the inside, you probably aren’t. Why did you plant an ugly tree in your yard in the first place? Was it mislabeled? When you are breaking up with them meet them in person , don’t mince words, call them as they are for example if you have fallen out of love with the person say it, look into their eyes and say it (for this you will need to have you’re own clarity). And once you figured out what it was, why did you climb the thing? Buy this shirt:  Good days butterfly shirt One in the oven shirt Buy this shirt:  One in the oven shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Then my mother gave me her list of people she wanted to be invited: people I had never met and some I’d never heard of. Apparently she felt that someone she went to high school with a million years ago should be invited to my wedding because she wanted to show off “what a catch” I was marrying. I tried to explain to her that we wanted a small wedding, but she just poo-pooed me and told me not to ruin her big day. She seriously said that. I just smiled and nodded as my stomach knots tied a bit tighter. She obviously misunderstood the 32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Additionally,I will love this empathetic and inspiring words I had tried to convey to her. She continued to curse me some more. Called me a piece of s**t. Sometimes she would call me names as if she was talking to the air or too herself under her breath. She called me a few choice words again and finally told me to never call her back again and hung up. But the room next door was the prep room, where the deceased were made ready for viewing and visitation. It was here that the embalming took place (perfusing the blood with preservatives, changing their clothes to what they’d be buried in, that sort of thing. The problem was though that there was a snag of some sort in the casket. It strikes me as very unusual for there to have been a splinter in the polished wood so perhaps it was a metal fastener on the handles that had an edge. The next day when he came in, he was pulled into the office with the head chef and general manager and was promptly fired for theft, and naturally, the sous chef denied giving him permission. Coupled with witness statements that placed him walking out with three cheesecakes, he had absolutely no recourse. The last straw was when my boyfriend’s out of town family, a considerably large group, called to ask if they could crash at our place when they came to town for the wedding so they wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel. When he sputtered “But we plan to be at our place the night of the wedding, and it’s our wedding night!” they suggested that WE get a hotel room so we can be more accommodating to our guests. This message was completely unexpected and practically knocked me off my feet. It was really spooky and absolutely chilling. It was almost as if something supernatural had been coiled up inside her and the crazy creature reared it’s head and screamed from her mouth. The prep/embalming room was kept cooler than the rest of the building because, well, it helped to preserve the bodies longer and keep the smells down, although there was a unique smell to both the bodies and the preservatives that’s hard to describe once you’ve smelled it you’ll never forget it. Buy this shirt:  32 Magic Johnson signature Los Angeles Lakers 1979 1996 thank you for the memories shirt Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt The glass lay scattered on the Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt and I will buy this ground around my poor car. She wasn’t the fanciest or the fastest. She had a 4 cylinder engine that would have been more at home in a sub-compact than in an SUV, but she was spacious, comfy, and reliable. I’d driven her from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Lake Michigan to the gulf. She’d never let me down. So Mr. Macho comes over and starts jawing at my friend. He ignores him, but the guy keeps getting more insistent. Finally, my buddy looks at the bartender and says “Bring me another (beer) but DON’T open it.” The bartender looked at him funny but puts the beer can on the bar. Fast forward to getting married young and my husband wanting to be young parents and done by 30. I had my oldest child in 2012, I was 20 when she was born. She turns 8 years old this month. Then I had a miscarriage in 2014. Husband and I initially only wanted 2–2 1/2 years between kids. But I miscarried and wasn’t ready for a while. I had to deal with a lot of devastation for this little life that I had so deeply wanted. I still know in my heart that the baby would have been a boy. In 2015, over a year after my miscarriage, I was ready. 10 months later, my son was born. Almost 3 years and 9 months, after my oldest was born, at the age of 24, I was graced with my sweetest rainbow boy. Looking back, it was like I was in a fog of pain and confusion for about a year and a half. It all culminated in a hitting rock bottom one night and wanting to kill me. I think it was just a deep desire to have that phase of my life die, and a new one begins. It did, and things are good! Buy this shirt:  Pre K Squad School Tools Christmas Tree T Shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt Even if there is a consort crowning during the 52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories shirt in contrast I will get this coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law Buy this shirt:  52 years 1969-2021 Alabama thank you for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt My dad was arrested, but about three hours later he showed up at the All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt But I will love this hospital in a cab. He called my uncle, who worked late, and had him pick us up and take us home. Apparently, Toronto cops know better than to hold the sole guardian of two minor children in jail. Previously I had been paid out of a separate bank account, but once I started full time I got paid from the same payroll account as everyone else. On my first payday, everyone received a check and immediately ran out of the office. I was surprised by this behavior, waited a day or two, then went to deposit my paycheck at the bank. Mom would beat me or humiliate me, or point out my large breasts as a kid and other things. She would throw me outside in the winter and not let me in while my sister was in the house. Just before dad got home she would make me come and wash up from whatever she did to me. I was crying one day when he got home. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. Mom told him he had a choice between me and her. He told her to get out…but took me for a ride to tell me I had to move out that day he can’t have me there anymore”. I was 18, had no job or a place to go. But he was telling me to leave. I ended up moving in with my aunt. Dad never chose me. Ever. Moms who let go when the time comes to a long way in building trust with the daughter-in-law. It’s about boundaries and respecting them. Proper boundaries are the starting point of all good relationships, I have found. So, when Brooks ran away, let him go. We can reasonably assume that the next two coronations will be reasonably slimmed-down events, possibly without the creation of a new crown for the consorts (Camilla, then Catherine). Even if there is a consort crowning during the coronation, it is unlikely the Koh-i-Noor will be used on any piece owing to the controversy. Here is the bottom line, as I see it. Mothers absolutely must understand that when a son marries, a new family has begun. That marriage is his NUMBER ONE priority. His loyalty and primary concern needs to be with his wife and the family they create. This never means that the mother ceases to exist and must be cut out or shown no concern. It means that she has done her job in raising a man, and she needs to step away from any attempts to keep the mother-son relationship a mother-child relationship. He is now a man and a husband. Failure to recognize this is the seedbed of most of the problems with daughters-in-law. 45 years ago, my dad drove drunk and got into an accident. We went to the ital with my badly injured mom. My sister and I just had some bruises, so all we needed was x-rays. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Yankees and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I’m ashamed to say, but I cannot remember his real name; so, we’ll just call him John. As John started to get up, he looked as if he was going to faint and seemed a bit too wobbly. I asked him if I should call an Ambulance and he said no, no, he was diabetic and had skipped breakfast. I offered him juice and asked if I could fix him some eggs. He took the Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt and I love this juice, declined the eggs and asked to use my telephone. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. They barely knew each other and moved in together, got engaged, married, became ‘Sussex’, got a dog, lived in three homes, had a baby, became ‘un-Sussex’, and moved twice to two different countries and lived in two stranger’s homes. There are two rumors about what went on – one is recorded by a Quoran who attended the event; while he didn’t witness it, word went among the guests that Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. It is impossible to swallow your tongue while it is still attached. With that said, it is possible that your tongue may obstruct your airway if you’re unconscious. That’s why one of the first steps in CPR is the head tilt chin lift. This technique aligns the airway and forces the tongue to move up and out of the way. If you stick anything in the mouth of someone in distress, you run the very real risk of losing it. We had a similar call but instead of using a finger, this samaritan used a blue pen. When we arrived, the pen was gone but it was very obvious that it had been blue. Why? Because when the patient bit through the pen, enough blue ink came out to smear all over the patient’s mouth. This samaritan turned a seizure patient into a choking patient. This patient thus required much more treatment than originally needed. EMT’s have specialized airway tools that are used to secure the airway and keep it open. A pen is an inadequate tool for this. Buy this shirt:  Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk shirt I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Very hard. We found a bungalow in a residential street where we used to live and started making enquires about the I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt it is in the first place but area, as it was an area over the other side of town. We asked the postman, who we knew and he said it was fine. We got a friend who lived nearer to pass that way from time to time, and she said there were no obvious problems. We even drove past at different times of day but again, all seemed in order. But Nicholas* is smoking cigarettes when he’s on duty taking care of my sister! Sometimes I see the smoke going right into her!” My daughter, with a tracheostomy, acute allergies, and chronic lung disease, was cared for while I was at work by Nicholas, an Aupair from a Scandinavian country. He was referred to me by his sister, who was another au pair; she was good and I trusted her. John struggled to get up, got his bearings, and then asked me if he could have a hug. He said, “We are a family of huggers.” I was a bit surprised but returned his hug and Anne Marie gave me a hug too. Zack smiled and headed into my kitchen. John and Anne Marie drove away in the VW Bug and Zack finished installing my new garbage disposal within 45 minutes. This really helps to increase their vocabulary, learn to use new words in context, and stop relying on their mother tongue as a crutch. So Harry and Meghan would have arrived in Hollywood to much PR fanfare; there may well have been a big ‘launch’ party – get to know the coupling type of thing – to which would have been invited all the great and good – stars, directors, and others -who could prove useful in their ‘careers’ (not saying here that they would all have gone because some may well have continued to avoid Meghan because of her ‘reputation’ and, actually, a ‘past’!). My son came close to me and whispered. “Mom. I have to tell you something. I hope you won’t think I’m a tattletale. While you should definitely know how to do that, try to practice speaking (at least by yourself if you don’t have a partner you can practice with regularly) using basic English grammar structures. Every public occasion Harry and Meghan would be involved in would be beneficial to someone, even if it was only having a cup of tea in a care home. If one event is boring, there will be others that are of interest and fun to be at. They could have built a reputation for philanthropy in their work – raising money for Harry’s and Meghan’s charities (but they wouldn’t have been able to gain financially themselves from this so ALL money raised would go to their charities!) Buy this shirt:  I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do t-shirt Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Webcams, generally housed at the Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt What’s more,I will buy this top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Of course, they do. But it just emphasizes the fact that Meghan is not an easy person to deal with – and I think, even if she had managed to get some financially lucrative events under her belt, because of her attitude, her star would have fallen very, very fast John sat down at my dining table to use my phone, drank another glass of juice; and, even with kid distractions, I could make out that someone was coming from his shop. He told me he’d be just fine and help would arrive soon. I had been worrying about the cost of the plumbing repairs and now I’m worried about this older gentleman croaking right here in my house. Many users have come to expect more from every single piece of electronics that they own, from smartphones and tablets to laptops, watches, and TVs. We complained to the council, who asked us to log the noise, but after presenting them with a month’s logs said it was hard to act as it was a private house and not a council house. It got that bad that the guy across the road who had the fight with Number 2 arsewipe, paid for a couple of heavies, who forced their way in and “Removed “ his equipment and made it clear to him that next time, He will be removed. It certainly worked as dad and he dare not complain to the police as they were frightened of what they would find!. We moved away shortly after that and the twat next door also moved out and got married. So, even the best detective work does not always work. Buy this shirt:  Lil Mr.E foos gone wild shirt Retro gamer shirt We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the Retro gamer shirt Also,I will get this living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Although I did not clearly remember this growing up, through therapy I was able to articulate that they were fighting about money and how expensive my athletic team and competitions were. I heard that I was the cause of their financial problems. This was devastating for a young girl and debilitated me in terms of buying anything for myself. As a teen, going to the mall was a trauma, trying to find a better price on something I needed, wanting something I wouldn’t buy. My parents would give me their credit card and send me clothes shopping and I’d come home empty-handed and upset. Sometimes they took me shopping but I’d only get angry and act out. Nothing looked good, everything was too expensive. I had the bare minimum for myself whereas my younger sister had a taste for expensive clothes and no problem buying them. You bet I resented her for it. Authors tend to spend a fair amount of time writing, and while they’re writing, they inevitably aren’t doing other things that they could be doing, such as looking after their loved ones. This is why some authors don’t have children at all, while those that do often tend to have somewhat uneasy relationships with their children or partners, who very often feel neglected. NEVER ignore a nurse’s gut feeling, if they say something is off then to believe it until you can disprove it. I’ve been wrong with gut feelings twice maybe in 10 years and I was glad to be proven wrong! Every other time I’ve been spot on and shit has hit the fan, even in public spaces and at home. Because of this gut feeling, Buy this shirt:  Retro gamer shirt Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Got her a chest x-ray, and handed over to the Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt and by the same token and ward she was going to over the phone while the doctor finished writing up her examination. Well, the patient’s daughter comes running out of the waiting room and her mum is blue from the waist up and we knew then she had a pulmonary embolism. She arrests, but somehow 30 compressions and some oxygen got her back (though we would be thrombolytic which means 90mins continuous compressions) but we must have moved the clot. Got her diagnosed and treated for a massive PE post-arrest, she was sat up having a cup of tea half an hour after it, and we sent her over to cardiac for telemetry. I had been watching this woman like a hawk because I just knew she wasn’t ok. I wasn’t the only nurse who felt it either. No reasons, we just know. I don’t remember my early childhood and what I do remember consists mostly of vague memories and visual snapshots so I can’t quote word for word the overheard conversation between my parents that traumatized me for decades but… I think you could say my parents are really laid back, and we aren’t really orthodox. We all don’t have time for praying, because I and all my sibling do like 2 honor programs. My parents have an 8 – 7 job as doctors. Lastly, just the other week in my new job on intensive care, I’m looking after a post-op guy and thought “well he looks crap” but again everything was ok about this man. There was no reason to think anything, and one of my colleagues said: “he’s been that color since he got here”. Well, an hour into my shift there’s blood everywhere, surgeons were up stitching his insides up on the bed where he was instead of theatre and major hemorrhage protocol was activated. We had a typical, two-story rectangular house and my bedroom was right above the living room, with the stairs leading down to the front door. One night in my pre-teens, I was awoken by my parents’ voices coming from the living room. They were arguing. Buy this shirt:  Rules for dating my niece you can’t shirt Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt I think this woman is going to go off”. That’s our way of saying they will have a cardiac arrest. My doctor friend knew what I’m like so just eyeballs the Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this patient, says I’m being dramatic and she’s looking good, numbers are great, no reason for worry. Well an hour later shes completely hypoxic, goes blue and arrests. No warning signs at all, I’d got the other nurse to check her really closely because of my gut feeling, and there wasn’t a reason to suspect she would arrest until she went blue and collapsed. We did CPR and we get her to ICU and she survived. We have good reason to believe that all the rubbish she was coughing up from the infection blocked off her upper airway causing the hypoxic arrest. She happened to be nearby once, and she came over, used her key to get in after he didn’t respond to her knocking (because he couldn’t hear her), and she watched him slamming his vacuum into our wall for 20 straight minutes. He also had his stereo turned all the way up and his speakers pressed up to our wall. She evicted him that day. He was so mad but too bad. He ended up getting arrested a few years later for domestic assault and battery, and then his wife finally divorced him. Again, KARMA, and I didn’t have to do anything. I did feel sorry for his wife and kid, but she should have left him long before that happened. It’s not like it came out of nowhere. I got revenge in both cases by just waiting for these losers to do themselves in. One day, I’ll write about my former brother in law, but I don’t think anyone will believe me. He’s that big of a POS. In my old job, we had an assessment unit for referrals from the community. Buy this shirt:  Shenanigans Squad St.Patrick’s Day retro vintage shirt Texas neander thal shirt After I got settled into my new base, we would get bombed any number of times. I always put on a helmet and flak jacket until the Texas neander thal shirt and by the same token and episode was over. But I was in the minority. Most of the attacks were at night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. Most troops just got out of bed and ran for the shelter not far from our barracks. Like my friends at Cam Ranh Bay, they felt that the flak jackets would be worthless in a massive explosion situation, and the helmet and the flak jacket were kind of heavy and awkward to wear anyway. Regardless of how fortunate I was in not getting harmed, I always wore my helmet and flak jacket. Troops would sort of smile and shake their heads as they watched me put them on. I wasn’t totally alone, though. Others felt the way I did. But we were clearly in the minority. Most GI’s on Air Bases did not wear helmets or flak jackets, even during the times we got hit. And, that was the way it was in real life back in the ‘Nam. I once had a woman tell me, at her wedding reception, that she would have liked to have married me, but she didn’t think that I would make enough money to keep her happy. I took it pretty well, since, up to that point, I had not realized that she thought of me as a marriage prospect, and I had never thought of her in those terms. I dodged a bullet that I never knew was coming. “well, I wonder what corporate office would have to say about this…I don’t think they would be very happy about this.. besides when someone goes over the books and sees the large number of brownies sold versus the amounts of money donated..don’t you think that will raise some flags?” What is the most humiliating thing you have ever seen happen to a maid? Buy this shirt:  Texas neander thal shirt Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt A first phone call, “Will you please come get my brother out of my house?” They said, “Yep” hung up the Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt But I will love this phone, and were there immediately. When they walked in, they said, “Let’s go.” My brother put his head down, said “ok” and they walked him out. As he left I made sure he understood that he was never welcome to step foot inside of my home again. Somehow I fell asleep, still wearing my helmet and flak jacket. It might have been because I had just been in the air for about 24 hours. When I woke up the other guys told me where to get cleaned up, as they continued to tease me. “Guess you earned you combat pay last night, huh, kid,” one of them said. “He didn’t have anything to worry about, guys all that protective gear he was wearin’.” The others laughed simultaneously. I realize now that it was all good-humored. Who doesn’t enjoy ribbing a new guy in Vietnam? One of them then drove me in a jeep to the personnel “office.” I learned that I had been re-assigned to Nha Trang Air Base. It breaks my heart to think about, especially because I don’t know what happened to him or his family. I don’t know for sure if his mom hurt him, or allowed it and was too scared to stop it. I don’t know the extent of the pain he went through. I don’t know if he’s okay or safe, and I only hope that he’s finally loved the right way. I said “ kind of unethical? Isn’t it? These customers think the whole 2.50 is going to donations and instead, the company increases the price, earning the same or more profit, while the proceeds for donations are basically pocket change? How do you really feel about that? Buy this shirt:  Texas neanderthal forward thinking since 430.000 BC shirt We love because he first loved us John shirt Richard the We love because he first loved us John shirt but in fact I love this Lionheart famously forgave the man who killed him. Saladin could be brutal and merciless but also compassionate, generous, and forgiving. There many examples of both kinds of behavior. Salah al-Din predictably decided to make an attack on Jerusalem. Given his overwhelming superiority of force and the apparent weakness of a 16-year-old suffering from leprosy, Salah al-Din left only a small force to keep Baldwin trapped in Ascalon, and continued north, allowing his troops to continue plundering along the way rather than concentrating on his goal. The following year, however, he was again seized with a fever, and believing he was on his death-bed made his brother-in-law Guy de Lusignan regent. Thus when Salah al-Din invaded a fourth time in 1183, it was Guy de Lusignan who led the Christian armies to face him. Baldwin IV ruled for less than ten years and throughout his reign, he was handicapped by a progressively debilitating and disfiguring disease. Yet he retained the loyalty of his subjects to the very end and on no less than five occasions prevented Salah al-Din’s vastly superior forces from over-running his fragile kingdom. For that, he should be revered and respected. Our marriage would continue to slowly deteriorate and by the time our son was three, he was the only thing that kept us together. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the time when I walked on him making out with the babysitter, again he begged but this time I wasn’t going to fall for that again. I asked him to leave for a while and only come back if he was ready to be committed, but what I was doing was giving him the perfect opportunity to cheat. While he was away I got access to his phone without him knowing on NexusPry on Strikingly I was about seven weeks into what would become a five-year trip through Asia-Pacific. Had $100,000 saved, was 28, no obligations to anyone or anything. I’d quit my horrible but lucrative job, sold my car, given away all my crap and apartment and begun my trip on a one-way ticket from Toronto to Western Samoa in the South Pacific. Instead, I’d like to highlight the reign of Baldwin IV. Buy this shirt:  We love because he first loved us John shirt We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Although, being a peaceful neighbor, India has been at the We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Besides,I will do this receiving end of attacks from China and Pakistan. After two years of the crushing defeat in the Indo-China war, the People’s Republic of China detonated a 16-kiloton bomb, its first nuclear test, on 16 October 1964 and became the fifth country to make their mark in the global nuclear map. On April 8, 2018, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) chief R Chidambaram and DRDO chief APJ Abdul Kalam were given approval for the tests. The information was kept under covers. The main challenge in this test was to avoid spying satellites and ensuring that the information does not reach the wrong hands. Any activity caught by satellites in the Pokhran area of Rajasthan shall lead to international outrage. She taught me a certain fearlessness, with hearty measures of forgiveness, open-mindedness, an instinct to find the comedy in everything good or awful and to milk it in order to win over locals, other travelers and potential threats like cops, customs & immigration officials and the weirdos you meet on the road. Salah al-Din had assembled his forces to meet the expected invasion and recognized that the Kingdom of Jerusalem was practically defenseless before him. He invaded, sacking and plundering as he advanced north, leaving well-defended positions like the Templar castle at Gaza untouched until he came to Ascalon. Ascalon had been in Egyptian hands until 1153 and was considered a key strategic position for the defense of Egypt — or the attack on Jerusalem. Saladin prepared to besiege the city. According to one contemporary chronicler (Ernoul), Sibylla was seduced by Guy (and she would not have been the first princess in Outremer to be seduced by a young adventurer!), and Baldwin first threatened to hang Guy for “debauching” a princess, but then gave in to his sister and mother’s pleadings to let his sister marry “the man she loved.” Other sources (William of Tyre) suggest that Baldwin feared the Count of Tripoli was planning to depose him by arranging a marriage between Sibylla and Baldwin d’Ibelin, the Baron of Ramla and Mirabel Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for epilepsy peace love cure shirt Good days butterfly shirt They think they’re fine, it’s the world that’s messed up! Good days butterfly shirt concerned that you’re ugly on the inside, you probably aren’t. Why did you plant an ugly tree in your yard in the first place? Was it mislabeled? When you are breaking up with them meet them in person , don’t mince words, call them as they are for example if you have fallen out of love with the person say it, look into their eyes and say it (for this you will need to have you’re own clarity). And once you figured out what it was, why did you climb the thing? Buy this shirt:  Good days butterfly shirt One in the oven shirt Buy this shirt:  One in the oven shirt

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